When we study The Book of Revelation and Bible Prophecy, we realize that Comet Impact will happen and plays a major role in events during the Great Tribulation. Here is a six point summary of why I believe a massive Comet is heading towards Earth and 2012 AD may be The Year for Impact.
When we study The Book of Revelation and Bible Prophecy, we realize that Comet Impact will happen and plays a major role in events during the Great Tribulation. Here is a six point summary of why I believe a massive Comet is heading towards Earth and 2012 AD may be The Year for Impact.
At January 23, 2007 6:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
this was predicted by the aztecs long ago and it was aired on the discovery chennel , april 13 2012. scientist are aware of this and are taking some strides to push it of course. it will become between the earth and the moon
At May 10, 2007 5:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
The world is not going to end I know this because I am God the great one dont believe
At May 10, 2007 5:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nothing to be scared about the world will never end I know this cuz I am God
At May 25, 2007 12:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
At June 12, 2007 7:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
They say history repeats itself and I think it certainly speaks true for the people of atlantis and by whoever designed the mayan calendar.I think our doom is only as grimm as our perception. Either way were going to die, It's just a matter of who'll be around to see the finale.
At June 19, 2007 2:36 PM,
Unknown said…
Yeah I agree with the preceding comment. We will die either way, all of us. I think a comet strike would be a great rare cosmical event to live and possibly die through. Who know what other things can it bring with itself. And please lets remember that humans are not the sole inhabitants of Earth, remember the dinosaurs.
Remember the dinosaurs!!
At June 24, 2007 12:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Please be logical friends, are we going off reasonable evidence or believing and vouching for what we want to occur?
At June 25, 2007 5:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
2012 marks the transition from this world to the next. The earth is rapidly going to change and we are set to evolve with it. We are all one. One with the earth and the solar system one with all the creative forces in the with omnipotence.
At July 12, 2007 5:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
If you had nothing to do night after night after night (real dark ones because there was no light bar the moon), you could also, evetually, design a really good calendar by watching sky motions, noting them, and passing it on to the next generation. Remember, there was no TV or power. Our multiverse is cyclic; we are just cycling through some randomly selected start and end point, If something bad happens, its physics of cyclic nature, nothing more.
At July 15, 2007 4:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
It's a planet and there is lots a species on them and like ares the smartest beings have control(so they might think)and they are going to fight over us and are recourceslike the transformers.
remember GOOD and BAD
At July 18, 2007 1:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Regardless, if its true or not, the real question is do you know for sure that you are going to heaven? if you said yes, because your a good person then think about this who are you comparing yourself to, others, or Jesus. If we compare ourselves to Jesus then we fall short of being perfect. Therefore, I beleive that Jesus is the only one who can save us regardless if this 2012 thing is true or false. We all die, the question is where will you be spending eternity heaven or hell? If you want to accept the Lord as your savior and you beleive that Jesus is the son of God and that he died for your sins and on the thrid day rose again, then all you have to do is confess it and allow Jesus to enter your heart. You can say this prayer outloud at home: Lord Jesus I Know I am a sinner, I ask that you forgive me of all my sins. I know that you Jesus are the son of God and that you died for my sins and on the third day rose again. Jesus please come into my heart and into my life and be my personal Lord and Savior. Thank You.
After you have said this, find a local church that you receive in and start your new relationship with God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit. God Bless.
At August 29, 2007 3:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Many people can trust in Jesus, but the point is that whether or not we trust in a higher power, something like this can happen. And tell you the truth, there is just as much of a chance that there is no higher power as much as there is. Leaving it in "God's" hands doesnt seem to be the solution. Scientists can predict and theorize as much as the imagination will allow. In my opinion, if the theories werent extreme, some of those scientists would not have jobs. Really, who wants to know about how the Myan calendar stops at the year 2012 and scientists predict that the number of cows will deplete by 10%? Discovery channel will not air that. My point is, while it is theorized to be some sort of dooms day, it is just as much possible that it is not.
The only comet I have read about which it is supposed to round the earth in 2017 and come back in 2028, which if it does pass through the "Pin hole" then will it be able to hit earth. They say that this object is 1 mile accross. Scientists say that this will not wipe out the earth, but very possible to wipe out a continent. Dont get me wrong because that is very serious and the rest of the world will have reprecussions of course but comparing our end to the dinosaur's end is just rediculous. Dinosaur's lived outside, they did not have heating, they did not have A/c, they did not have electricity (Which does not rely on the sun), they can not grow plants in doors without the aid of the sun (How do you think all those people are growing marijuana in their houses, there is a product on the market in which you can grow vegetibles, in your house, without the aid of sunlight 2x faster than growing it outside.). It is easier to say, "Oh well we are going to die!#@" Instead of saying, "This is what happened then, this is how we can survive." Come on, Walgreens is going to start selling Meteorite Survival Packages for $19.99, buy one get one free! Just like any catastrophic disaster, human beings can survive. Our technologies have exceded the past and is growing. Not saying that if comething like this did happen, it would mean huge losses, because it will. Its a perspective difference. Why do you think the US is planning on sending a few people to Mars within the next 5 - 10 years? Becaue, they know what is going to happen and George Bush wants to be on the 1st shuttle off this plannet! If it does happen, and it hit which ever country or continent, it will be up to the rest of the world to help and for us to fix the problem.
At September 04, 2007 12:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
Watch the movie ZeitGeist, Jesus is the Sun and the entire bible is a plagerism of ancient egyptian astrology, but the astrology is what is important to the context of 2012. God is the unified field, however it is safe to assume there may be an intelligent creator to our universe, but if you look up quantum entanglement and the unified field, you'd discover that the concept of god is reflected within it. jesus, horus, krishna, is the sun, the SUN of god. God sent his lone SUN to watch over humankind. There were 13 historians of the time jesus was recorded to walk the earth, the only book to ever mention him is the Bible, figure it out.
At September 10, 2007 3:25 PM,
Unknown said…
If you read the website you forwarded to "satansrapture" there are about 1000 mistakes on it. Also he talks about Sedna, and if you check it out on wikipedia its perhellion is 93AU which means, the closest it ever gets to us, is past the orbit of Pluto. Its a non factor.
At October 03, 2007 8:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
2057 Is your doomsday that you fear. You will probably be long dead before then. Jesus said to Daniel when he asked when these things will come to pass. Jesus told him in a dream that it will be yet a time, times, and a half a time. This equals to the year 2057 if you understand the calander that we have since that time. Look it up for yourself and be shocked.
At October 09, 2007 2:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
If this is true then how are we going to put it of course. Is it posible it can jus barley miss earth or hit moon will it orbits earth and go towards us either hitting us or if it misses it may go to the sun... is this posible.
At October 12, 2007 9:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
I read somewhere that Charles Manson was eligible for parole in 2012....
At October 12, 2007 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Theres your aniti-christ if ever i saw one.
At October 21, 2007 3:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
In Revelation it says that the comet hitting the earth will wipe out a third of life here on earth. If you grab your bible and read revelation it mentions the comet as a star crashing into the earth. And this is only one of the many things that is going to happen. It also mentions in Revelation a mountain falling from the sky and into the ocean wiping out yet another third. So, this must also be yet another comet. And, practically all prophecies in the bible have come true, for example, the jews paying for killing Jesus. They payed for it by being close to extermination from the Nazi's and Hitler. So, don't turn your heads away at this yet men and women, for we will have many hardships in our lifetime. And, I am a psychic dreamer and I have dreamed of a time when men had to run to underground rooms and bunkers because the earth was burning from the sun. I read Revelation after that incident and it mentions in there that the sun will scorch man's skin. Pretty scary I know, but you all have to believe in God for the time is coming and you are all running out of chances to become close to God. He is real, and that is final.
At October 26, 2007 10:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
the world cant end yet not when other kids haven't done what they want to do when they get older and scientist need to find a way to stop the comet or blow it up in pieces
At November 21, 2007 3:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think all of you have great thoughts on this, but you all have one itsy problem. Is it just me, or didnt the bible say NO ONE CAN TELL WHEN THE WORLD WILL END? Forget science for a minute, just think, how can some race tell when the world would end? Last time i checked, the bible didnt say "Thy Earth Shall Be Smashed By A Rock" (Comet) right? Nor did it say we gona all die on 2012...NO ONE CAN TELL WHEN IT WILL END, for all you know were centuries away (I hope) but you nor I nor anyone shall know. Only God and Christ would know. I know someone is bound to counter me, but like i said, no one is to know when the world will end, so im not worried about 2012. I do believe that we will probably shift, but didnt a shift happen in 2001? Its every 11 yrs, so ...i lived 2001, i dont think there was a HUGE erthquake, if there was, california would be neighbors with Hawai....woot...the yeah. 1. No one can tell when we gona die 2. Every 11 yrs the planet shifts. Uhhh...i tihnk we gona be ok....maybe weather will be a lil wierd, but it alrdy is anyways, global warming....piece of crap....Technology is a gift and a curse huh?
At November 21, 2007 8:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I've recently been kidnapped by our own govt ( but escaped out of pure luck and my training) because of my mil intel background. I can't say too much because they'll find me and I don't think they'll wait to end me next time. The fact of the matter is ever since Roswell alien crash their has been a secret sector of the govt that to this very second stays in contact with an alien planet that is actually earth 10,000 years from now, in a parallel universe. So called aliens which we all know the Hollywood image. Skinny with big black eyes and almost white skin, are very real people! They are actually evolved humans that have been living underground for centuries because of what is going to happen in 2012. They have evolved to be without light, water, and the basic food elements which we all need today. To be brief: the govt already knows who is going to survive and that is only going to be the elite people in the high govt. Even the aliens don't have the technology to stop the comet. NO one does its too big and going too fast! We are all going to die!!! Just deal with it. The best advise I can give is enjoy what we have left. Love your family. And just have as much fun as possible. Make love not war. And the govt also has proof their is no god. That goes for all religion. Why do you think they took out school prayer. Good luck to you all. And may these next 4 years be the best ever!
At December 03, 2007 5:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
i have had the same thing happen to me!!!! i was kidnapped and tortured for 8 days and that do nothing but make me more pissed! the rise of our nation will soon be a the breaking point and we will then see who controls this FREE country!
At December 06, 2007 10:27 AM,
frozenTurkey said…
You two need psychiatric help. I hope you get it before you snap and go on a killing spree. The world is not going to end in the year 2012. Yes the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and there is a possibility of major and radical climate change but there is no reason to think the world is going to end. Climate change will affect alot f different people but it will not wipe out 6 billion human beings spread over an entire planet. To tell you the truth, I hope that there is a major climate change, maybe it will weed out some of the people (including many on this board) who's intelligence level is only a notch Aabove functionally retarded.
At December 06, 2007 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
LMFAO @ frozenturkey. I couldn't agree more.
At December 08, 2007 3:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
haha, what is about to happen in 2012 is not sure, nothing is. but there are some things you should take a look at.. the sun is chaning poles, that isnt all that special, it happens ones in each 11years, but also the earth is going to change poles, and that could be a reason for a major climate shift.. the magnetic pole and the geographic pole will cross eachother, as if the earth is surching for its balans.. there have been studies about it as well, so not only religions talk about the end of the world, also scientific studies show us that something is about to happen.. there are a lot of things out on the internet about this issue, and i do believe it is something to take serious.. even though i have no real religion.. sorry for my lack of english, i'm dutch:)
At December 08, 2007 4:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
the sun shifts poles each 11 years, not the earth. the earth pole shift isnt constant, the average period is set to be 200.000 years, but the last shift of the earth poles was about 780.000 years ago, sometimes it takes millions of years, and sometimes less then 100.000 years, so we really dont know when the next one is going to happen.. also, poles can never shift by themselfs, a lot of magnetic energie is needed, something of a nearby comet that litterly drags the earth out of its dayly rotation. Whether or not a comet is comming is something i dont know.. Sedna is a special case, but it is unlikely to be the planet where they talk about..
At December 12, 2007 2:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey i just wana say ive had a dream from god the other nite. was full of symbols but the main thing was i was in my hometown walking with a friend who was dead now :( but i saw 4 commets shoot out the sky and hit the earth, and it goes on, now i saw somthing on tv that says 4 years before something major hapens like the 911 etc noah and the flood, 4 commets wud be seen! so i belive from 4 yrs on from my dream which takes it to end of 2011 to 2012 sumthink is going to happen,,we are in the end times it is very likley somthing with happen..:)
At December 18, 2007 3:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Very impressive!!! I have a friend who thinks that we will all be free from suffering in 2012. Now I see that some people have dreams about the end of the world. Remember the end of the 90's ??? Lots of people were preaching the end of the world for 2000. Some of you just can't get enought of that shit. It's like you wish for the end of the world. That good old promise of a Paradise, isn't it ???
At December 20, 2007 11:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
hahaha, there are some weird stories xD imagine how many possible connections you can form between all the different events and possibilities, there are quite a lot. so if you want something to happen then just make up a story and tadaa, you have your fantasy to be a possibilitie as well xD btw, if something happens, a flood, a commet, a blaze or whatever else, then isnt it likely that there is a life after death, like religions speak of xD if they are right about the end of the world, or apocalypse, then might they be right about heaven and stuff as well? xD and about the dream thing, everyone has weird dreams, ive dreamed about the end of the world so many times, in almost every different context xD
At January 06, 2008 11:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have to input here, The bible says (((GOD MADE THE EARTH TO ABITH UPON IT FOREVER AND HE WOULD GIVE US THE KNOWLEDEGE)))NOT JUST THE KNOWLEDGE OF BEING HUMAN BUT THE KNOWLEDGE TO SERVIVE WEITHER YOU LISTEN OR NOT IS YOUR CHOICE SEEING GOD has givin us that choice, just think when they wouldnt listen to JESUS what happened to all of them?????
At January 12, 2008 12:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
I dont know what to think about this if i were to hear it for the first time it would sound kind of ridiculous and of you have anymore information please let me know because i am doing my speech on this topic
At January 12, 2008 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
you know thiking of this topic kinda scares me like im trying to comvince my self it is not true because if what they say is true i will be 17 when i die thats not lond enough
At January 22, 2008 12:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
There are a bunch of books called, "Life after life," "Life between life" in which the writer interviewed others who had clinical death and came back. Some of these people claim they left their bodies and saw what was happening in another room in the hospital. There was that book by Brinkley. He was hit by lighting multiple times and survived, but when he recovered he developed pyschic gifts and even claims that he crossed over to some other dimension meeting "guides" who then provided him with lots of info. He used to work for the US Goverment and was an assassin in Veitnam. A series of events, I think, were installed to turn him around. (In clincial death, he said he experienced the suffering he caused others.) Not a nice graduation. One point in his book about having killed people in Vietnam, when he had his clinical death, he experienced all the pain and sorrow that he caused that one person and all!!! the people involved with that person. Something to think about if that's true. Just live your life as best as you can without hurting people or getting greedy..because some people want to be more "evolved" and stay connected with "Energy that's good." It's up to each of us to walk a "real" path...of our own. It's not up to others to determine that for us. I always thought it would be interesting for people who are thoughtless or greedy or too wrapped up into them selves...that if they cross other peoples boudaries of "wellness" that they in return RECOGNIZE instant some pyschic instant karma. More out there then we really know...and ENERGY ...sure is just Energy....but watch what you attract. There are lots of people out there who see and feel things that most people do not...Maybe those New Age books are right.....some people really do tap other dimensions and experiences....right here and now....and I think those are Gifts. And all the scientific, relgious and politicial aspects to our Lives...sometimes gets really boring..and tiresome...when instead, we could all focus on enjoying this planet and our gifts...That to me is a Waste of TIME..their obessions and Destiny to LEARN to DEAL with power..Good luck! in this ...linear time.......I'd just would like something Great to help all of us...but without FEAR...and suffering...cause too much is flying around, Energy that is...that has incouraged a Fear Based Society. Breathe and think for yourself and research out your own answers. Why worry. Cause if something's ever going to happen, why waste your time now worrying about yesterday. Perhaps there really are millions of dimensions and we are just on earth and we all have purpose. And if anyone thinks their purpose is greater then your own...well....something must be wrong...especially people seeking power. I think they are in the ultimate test here on this planet. Boy can they mess up..and cause more to others....
At January 23, 2008 2:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
The diference between 2012 and any other life changing/ending event is it was based on history it self, based on the patterns of solar cycles. This is not a theory, we all live this way, our entire life is based on solar events, weather, plants, our food and our water are entirely controlled by the solar system. I think something is going to change, this is for sure.
At February 03, 2008 5:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
You Americans are so stupid ,stop watching bad movies.
The world it´s not gonna end by some asteroid,its gonna end because you consume all the oil,food and eventually all the water.
Your goverment it´s the real evil in this earth,they are killing babies with nuclear waste in name of liberty.
Of course it´s all crap american want´s the oil and make money in the midle.
It´s the new babylonia and you are all guilty because you dont care wath you goverment do
At February 03, 2008 5:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stop seeing CNN it have so stupid news.
At February 03, 2008 5:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Stop seeing CNN it have so stupid news.
At February 18, 2008 3:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
I would like it if people are going to use the English language , than please use it properly. So many of you can't even say what you really want because your so mad at what other people are writing, so you get into writing and the next thing you know your talking out your Ass! This world is Just that.....A WORLD. Two things are guaranteed, Life & Death, That's it .We are all going to die because we were all born. Are there changes happening? Of course there are but they happen on A daily basis. Check this out......if anyone really knew what our government was up to than they wouldn't be the government. Not one soul knows when the world is going to end, even though we all have Ideas or theories about it.I do know one thing though......Our government is not taking the right steps to take care of our people. They allow people to die right in front of news camera's and allow children to die from aids and other diseases .In order for there to be a Problem the solution has to already Created. Period . We have all been lied to (in every country) by our government's and they will not stop any time soon. All governments are in control, because they lie. As a human race we have more people in jail's and prisons around the world today than ever before, And the percentage to how many people are in society is still higher than history describes. Meaning..... are people really worse now than the roman days where they just killed people and didn't even bury them Or are people being controlled more today than ever before. I say the latter.So if any of you want to make a difference ? Than do so to yourself and don't worry about the next person, And if someone's word's hurt you that much than you might want to start thinking of becoming Deaf!
At February 27, 2008 12:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
dec. 21 2012 is supposed to be the dooms day a.k.a the apocalypse? which actually means the end of days end of days doesnt mean a comet or somethin - it means ppl will think diferently cause of a new idea which the priory of sion(look it up and wwatch da vinci code the movie) will reveaal (true life of jesus)not divine but married and part of a royal blood line....
At March 09, 2008 10:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
why dont ya'll just shut the fuck up...period
At March 09, 2008 10:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
i ahd a dream last night about 2012 that the world will be turned inside which means the inside will be on the outside.caused by the suns solar flare in conjuction with the reverse polar shief and the gravity from the black hole will start the rotation of the earth to reverse itself and the core of the earth will lose its magnatism and spew out like a thousand volcanoes erupting at once which in turn will cool and make new land on earth!! good luck trying to survive that !!
At March 17, 2008 4:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
lol on Anon before me... if you and some others are so sure about this "doomsday" why don't you all just give up ur stuff right now and move into the mountains or something. LOL
At March 19, 2008 8:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lol to anonymous before me, and before that anonymous.
At April 08, 2008 11:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
People for the longest time did not belive in spirits or ghosts but times have changed. We as people have to be willing to have an open about eveything how else are we going to evolve or grow as people. Aztecs knew this and so did other people of our past they left us clues that are important to us but i dont think we are listening to them. If i wanted to get someones attention i would make myself bigger than big so people would take notice. We think were the only ones thats just not true only we were created in gods image but why. All we do is fight eachother and try to run what we think belongs to us when we know at any point and time it belongs to humans. We are all human and i think if could use all of our brains we would be in big trouble, look at what we do with the brain power we do have how can it be that people that lived thousands of years ago were smarter than we are today... We need to wake up and see the big picture. All people united as one i can only wish for this why is this not the case, why are the people protecting us doing us more harm than good what are our Goverments afraid of, Only what they dont understand. The past left us clues to the future we just dont know how to read in a way that we need to the Wonders of the world are a warnig to us all we need to lead by example and listen to our hearts god is good devil is bad right!? Just the same some of us are for us and some want to see us fail, the way things are headed i fear for my kids what kinds of messes are we gonna force them to clean up. 2012 if it dose end then i can say this for sure i was kind and good to my fellow man, but i am not perfect. Aztecs Egyptians and all old races knew something we dont isn't that weird. I think it was for our own good i think if we had our full brain potential we would be in big trouble or dead or worse stuck here foever. I hope God is out there listening and waiting to set us free I would hate to spend etrnity here lord only knows what we face in our future all i know is that 2012 or 2020 we need to unite an a human race and demand answers from our goverments why dose no one police them. If the fate of the world is in there hands i want to know what they know so im ready when the time comes, only time will tell what is in store for us... God bless us all... wendover Nv J.Aleman
At April 12, 2008 6:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Enjoy this unique life, love someone with all your heart and try to feel everything through the heart of that special man called JESUS CHRIST...
We all we're gonna die sooner or later, that's for sure, important is to die in faith and with dignity...
Eternal love for ALINA(wife) and FIORELLA SARAH(daughter)!
GOD bless them!
And all those who believe in HIM!
RODRIG ANDRISAN(50 years old - a romanian who lives in London)
At April 17, 2008 6:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
I just can't decide if I want to spend all my money having fun for the next four years and go out with the rest of them or take my money and raise chickens and live off the earth with the beer drinking , smoking , fat Indians. what do you think.
At May 20, 2008 8:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe aliens just want to descend to earth to refill their fuel and buy some beer ^.^
At June 07, 2008 3:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
im only 14 years old .. if the world is gonna end before im 30 why am i going to school i wish i could live my life longer.. i dont get it
At June 18, 2008 1:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear 14 year old:
No one but God knows what tomorrow will bring. That is why you must hold onto your faith. Be the best person you can be everyday. Keep planning and hoping for your future. Don't let anyone convince you that you don't have do. Everyday you learn and become the person you hope to be. Think of others your age and younger who live with life ending diseases. They KNOW they may not survive until 30 but the continue in their courageous struggle of everyday life. They live it...they enjoy it..and still...hope for their future. Can any of us do any less?Good luck to you and I will keep you in my prayers. :)
At June 18, 2008 5:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
the world is going to end and when it does we will all be saved by god
At June 23, 2008 3:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
We were all created by God and we were created to be precious and perfect to him. Unfortunately all of us have a sinful nature, thus we will not be saved by God unless we have come to a place in our lives where we finally start to trust God completely, to trust God for all things, this includes the possiblility of salvation or losing our home, all of our money, food, the coming rapture, or a comet hitting earth, a final doomes day or a tribulation begining.
In other words in everthing we must trust God.
At June 25, 2008 2:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh man. I haven't even been to Disney World yet.
At June 30, 2008 8:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mind Opener READ
I think something is going to happen in 2012 perhaps it will be large perhaps not but something will happen. All I ask of people is to keep there minds open to things like nature, the universe, and what your sub conscious mind is telling you. Its harder then you think but it is VERY rewarding. Example look at nature it has survived millions of years with out money with less brians than humans and no greed but look it has lasted longer and sronger than humans we think we are smarter than it but are we really? If you take the time to look the answers are there im only 14 but probably know more than most and can strick up a normal conversation with any adult. I also found that school doesnt come close to even telling you everything I find my self even more bored becuase I found the truth about somethings that they dont even mention in school and now its about to be part of our lives (2012). I also found some impossible things can now be possible. The government doesnt want you to discover the truth to find new ways becuase then you wouldnt need them and they would fall. The truth is there LOOK for it. All i know is if I get past 2012 I will keep on looking for the truth and hope to become a scientist of my own sort(one looking for the unkowen).
I would aslo like to say that we call the mians and all the ancient cultures they knew more than we thought. Take when Ceaser got murdered by the senate everybody was shocked but wouldnt you be more shocked that the wife and old guy perdicted it before it happened???
At June 30, 2008 3:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
the world will not end cause im superman and i will stop whatever comes to us (ufos, comets, ET, ) so dont worry the world will never end
At July 03, 2008 2:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
So there's a lot of fla fla and hogwash on this site. I did, however, come across this page by searching for a specific date that looked troubling. I was watching a simulation of orbital patterns of objects in our solar system at:
and was surprised to see the Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova Comet appearing to hit Earth in its orbit at the beginning of September (around the 11th of the month) in 2011.
I came across this website by doing some Google searches to try and determine the actual orbital path of the comet. The simulator at the address above is in 2D. Because of this, I know that the comet could be passing hundreds of thousands of miles above or below the plane the earth orbits on, but I thought in interesting nonetheless.
I can't find any info on if our orbital paths actually cross, but I thought I'd post about it anyway to try and inject a bit of speculative science into the glob of fanciful fatality that is this site.
At July 05, 2008 3:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Guys,
I was just going through NASA articles of their observations.
Well, they have found out something, they can find something to do about it.
So dont worry, just enjoy the rest of your days till your time comes.
Trust the Almighty.
At August 19, 2008 2:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did Mayans predict their own downfall? :lol:
Of course not ;)
At August 23, 2008 8:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
There seems to be these silly little "predictions" every few years. And the fact that the basis of fact is taken from the bible...
At August 26, 2008 12:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
wow..... i'd never even heard of this whole 2012 thing til like two
days ago this shit is a trip!!!!
At August 28, 2008 6:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
I recently went to my town's University observatory and an astronomer told me the 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajadusakova comet no longer exists. It may have veered off course or hit from an unknown space object and was destroyed on impact.
At August 29, 2008 1:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
In every single lie, there is truth...And in every single truth there is some lie.
Take in what you hear, read, watch, and know... But never dis-believe anything! I'm not saying believe everything you hear, but what I am saying is that"Anything is possible! Because when it does happen, at least you will know that you believed!
At September 03, 2008 11:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
it's just like a car accident that may happen to you tomorrow or after
what will be in london 2012 then?
At September 12, 2008 6:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
alot of comments on this and half of them have been made by idiots. the 2012 thing is a science fact look it up. it will pass under our sat system just the gravity disturbance will cause all kinds of natural disasters on earth. its science and religion has nothing to do with it. besides who gives a shit what the xitan book says. when xitans can prove there version of god thru science then I might listen
At September 12, 2008 2:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
This may be true, ask yourself these questions:
What if evolution is true? what will happen when you die? what if god and jesus is true? then what will happen when you die?
go to this site:
At September 15, 2008 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
haha those who believe that are IDIOTS !! believing in prophesies and gods and bullshits???? lol .. eleos dld....
At October 11, 2008 9:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
... that's exactly the kind of things people in Noa's time were saying... until the Day arrived... then, they knew HE was right...
At October 29, 2008 10:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
wat i no is tht non of us no a dam thng 4 sur bout wat wen hw or nethng bout wen the worlds guna end so keep up ur faith n deal with life as it comes
At December 01, 2008 1:10 PM,
Unknown said… read this artical we will go through change it's happening now and will intense as we near the date of the cosmic event the world will not be destroyed but recreated a new evolution and ony we can make it right.there will be life lost in the thousands maybe millions. this i believe every one has there own belife in religion but it all links to the same topic just diffrent words we all have the same god. buda, god, muhammed, is an energy a force that we will relize when this cosmic event happens then people will open ther eyes and relize that some major changes need to take place wake up people and start the change now for only we can save our planet.i belive that we humanity by reading things in books or watching movies create the scenario. 9/11 was an act from greater powers aka our goverment to scare you to make you feel that the world is going to end. osama bin ladden and george w bush are on the same page do you realy think we couldn't catch him come on this was a planned act from within our goverment, and nothing happend ever since and the outside regime lots of power comes lots of $.look at the economy right now when bush was in power every thing was so high in price oil for one thats what this stupid war started from weapons of destruction my ass.hussain tryed to destroy what bush wanted and now that his term is ending he sucked the life right out of the world and osama made some heavy cash to keep his regime going. things just seem to come together and people just look past that. there will been a great change in our very near future. the signs are there every day read the paper or watch tv just everyone seems to ignore them and go on with there every day life.the world will clense itself it's been doing it ever since and will continue to do it there after.
At December 02, 2008 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'll bet everyone on this blog $1000 that 2012 is not the end. :)
Of course if I'm wrong, I won't have to pay... LOL!!!!
This is all BS....
At December 31, 2008 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
As a mother to two young children I don't want to believe that something horrible is about to happen to us but as a soul drifting through the turmoil that is the material world we live in...?
All I know is that I have a sense of something huge awaiting us and that LIFE as we live it HAS to change dramatically and how this will comes to pass, well we will see.
Like us all I would like to avoid suffering but as Buddha says 'life is suffering'...
At January 05, 2009 5:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
i cant wait we should be able to see through the blackhole seeing where the milky way begin but it will be so bright be the last thing we see
At January 10, 2009 10:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
LOL, you know I've read most of these comments. And I have to agree, there is some pretty stupid shit said about 2012, jesus, and afterlife. I read a comment from a guy stating that God was married and had a royal blood line(HOLY FUCKING CHRIST) pardon the language but how stupid can you get. If the works ends then it ends, what important thing In your life have you not dome that you absolutely have to do. People grab your life by the balls and pull yourself back on track because you have fallen of course. To qoute an important line"there is only life and death". Stop thinking about bullshit and start thinking about the things that are important to you. Like GOD family and friends. Shit and these people ducking vote in our country
At January 10, 2009 10:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
sorry for the misspellings I'm typing on a phone. For all the idiots out there it wasn't meant to be ducking
At January 19, 2009 10:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
i dont think it will really happend because the comet might just roatate and go back were it came from.also they said that the world was going to end 5 time 1900,1955,1998,2000,and now 2012.i think it is not true but when that day comes we will find out.
At January 29, 2009 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
The threat from the 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova comet no longer exists. It is no longer on a collision course with Earth. I hope this further clarification makes the situation understandable and dissipates any anxiety or concern on your part.
At February 26, 2009 12:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am a person who has struggled for most of my life (45 years) between spititualality and science. I have read and watched about everything pertaining to both! I believe that regardless of any predictions of doom, spiritual or scientific that in the years around 2050 things will become much worse. The sure truth is that we as people are destroying the earth in many ways and for many selfish reasons. Over population, famine, war, polution of air and water, diseases that will never be cured & natural events will reach a unbearable state. As some peoples comments show anarcy and blame are there evil game. Even t.v. documentaries play with peoples minds by implying they know something that cant be known. All civilizations fell at some point and ours is no different. The only thing i keep pondering hopelessly is why we are here! I believe it, when science says the universe is that large and the odds are that there are some other forms of life out there. Problem is what created the universe and what created what was before that and so on? Would'nt it have to be a higher power? I believe the bible and all holy books are a compilation of words written and re-written by several people in a time that could have never seen our future or it would be more specific. Great moral way to live and to hedge your bets for a true believer!!!. Some people need faith or life would be meaningless to them! Only material things have made us smarter than any human before because we still have the same evil and ignorance as then. The only difference is that the material things combined with greed are distroying this great planet! I could go on forever! I think 2012 could be very important year, but probably not a dooms day. We should all live moral lives that consider the planet and other people. Please stop hating because thats when we reach a higher plain! Crazy evil people who could'nt run from their genetics (or the simple fact dinosaurs did exsist) are the proof for me that evolution could be true, but im still not sure that rules out a higher power even if its alien in nature! Later
At March 03, 2009 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
where we are all living is a unkown place who knows if there's a god or not maby he's killing us by hand ? maby he is sending a killer comet to take everybody out I mean he's the one who created us he's the soulcalled god. 2012 is just a rumor 911 is the 11 month and 9 day what does that mean.
canada has nothing to do with USA we have our own probloms so beat it.
At March 08, 2009 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why not use nukes to destroy the comet?
At March 09, 2009 1:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Okay, first off I'd like to say it's CHRISTian -anyone who has to write "X" in place of Christ is scared of him, I should know having been one of you. Now, you're all idiots. Read The Gospels and Revelations. A) Yes, Science proves God and Jesus were (and ARE) real - Scientific Catholics, duh. B) The Holy Bible states "you will not know the day or the hour" it also warns you to beware of those trying to say the day or hour. Also to beware of some who say, "There is Christ!". This is how it will go down: 1. Rapture - look for major disappearances, not just a few but millions. 2. Tribulation those left WILL suffer and hopefully repent and God will take them in. Also, Antichrist will be known and cause great turmoil in our minds (DON'T TRUST HIM NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO!) Finally, Christ will return, Antichrist will be defeated, and the world will be Jesus Christ's kingdom. The end, enjoy your comet. 2012 is just another year, unless God says otherwise.
At March 09, 2009 1:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Also, time to Jesus and God are totally different than how we perceieve it. "Time and a half" to God/Jesus could mean "Hey, it's going down 100,000,000,000 years from now". Seriously, kids, get your Bibles out, and actually STUDY them before commenting. YOU WILL NOT KNOW UNTIL IT HAPPENS! Yes, Rapture is immenent, along with the Great Tribulation, but if you say "Um, we're gonna die June 15th, 2010", you're a liar. And furthermore, you know it. Quit trying to strike fear into others, give up the power-hungry feeling - and for God's sakes, get a life and save your sanity as well as your soul. And FYI posting as God or Jesus is blasphemy. Enjoy the brimstone. I have read and reread many comments, and it seems to me that this was put together by very few adults and a bunch of "heretic" kids. Here's a tip for all you Satan lovers - he hates you. He only wants your immortal soul to keep God from obtaining it. And he's really no more mature than you are. Give up on the Slipknot and Manson lyrics...try Nickelback for a change. And, for your mommy's sake, PULL YOUR PANTS UP!
At March 12, 2009 4:09 PM,
SmackMyFishUp said…
I listen to butthole surfers and ween. does your comment apply to me too :/
Also.. i smoke tons of pot. Is this a gateway drug? Will i go to hell? Is it too late? I did some cough medicine last week, surely that can't be a gateway drug? whats all this talk of a comet in 2012? What a load of bum crumpets. A fortune teller told me i'd live until i'm 45!? I'm only 23? If she was lying i can't get my money back. She was a travelling gypsy. And also, does my car insurance cover acts of god? I hope so. And i'd hate to think i spent 18 years of my life in education when 3 years later im just gonna get fucking splattered by captain comet and his barmy army. This being the case, I'm gonna carry on taking drugs and listening to the butthole surfers, But i may aswel be a bit more adventurous. Enjoy myself. I'm gnna go try pcp, and peyote. I was watching young guns last night , that bit where emilio estevez gets riiiight off his chops on peyote with that indian bloke , ahaha gnna give it a try, WOOOOOOOO PARTYYYYYYY WOOOOOOO
At May 10, 2009 10:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most merciful...
I m a Muslim, there are many signs which our beloved prophet predicted which would occur just before the world would end. Some of them as I remember it are:
1.Prophet Jesus WAS NOT killed. He was taken in the heavens by Allah. Before the dooms day, he will descend on earth, will fight evil, restore peace and Islam(submission to Allah's Will) and will ultimately have an end just as every human being has. His grave is already prepared in Makkah.
2.Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said Sun will rise in the west instead of east and when people will see this, many will embrace Islam but their faith will not be accepted at that time. But once the event will be forgotten over time, submissions will be again accepted.
Besides there are many many other signs. Based on these signs, I could bet 2012 could never be the end of the world. May Allah forgive me if I wrote anything wrong, I m 21 years old and don't have too much knowledge.
At May 11, 2009 3:31 PM,
miller said…
Betting on the future, not so wise, but then again you believe in a towlhead like allah, speaking like one of those retarded ass numb nuts that spend most of there life in a loony bin. but mark my words, you will be one of the first to perish in hell with allah, may he fuck you in the ass, then he'll forgive you for speaking so much dumb shit
At May 17, 2009 12:57 AM,
Jonathan said…
Good going Miller. Let's see if you go to Heaven with your mentality, tonque, and being judgemental. Better ask God for forgiveness! It is Christ who will judge in the end not us. And as far as 2012 is concerned, who's to say what will happen. God never gave an exact date as to when the end will come, and science can't prove everything. Scientists discover new things every day. And the more you study from both prospectives ( science and religion) you will find that science and the book of Revelation are finally starting to line up with each other. No matter what happens or doesn't happen on Dec 21st 2012 it's all in God's will. Study and learn from all angles and point of views and stop being narrow minded and one sided. Those who are narrow minded are the ignorance of our societies and often the problem makers instead of problem solvers.
At May 17, 2009 1:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
My belief in 2012 (if anything happens at all) would be a magnetic pole shift not a commet impact. Pole shifts can happen for a number of reasons. From the earth entering the center of the universe to a large meteor crossing between the earth and the moon.
At May 24, 2009 5:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well miller, Allah is another name for the Universal God that almost every religion believes in, including Christianity, so please mind your words carefully before vomiting them out and as for Jonathan, I would say it is not me who is acting narrow minded but it is you. See a list of comments above made by many Christians and understand that everybody is free to share his ideas which should not be confused with narrow-mindedness.
At May 31, 2009 1:51 PM,
Unknown said…
I agee that, given the sunspot cycle and cosmic positioning unique to 2012, a magnetic disturbance is a scientific likelihood, but to what degree is hard to predict. However, Revelation does refer to a "mountain as it were being cast into the sea", a compelling description evocative of a cosmic impact..?
At June 18, 2009 11:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Species which get too big for their boots, get booted out (like the Dinasaurs).
This whole 'Superiority' syndrome will be seen to amount to nothing when we all say to ourselves: "So what makes you so superior... your Love, or your hate" - From the new Antichrist
At June 18, 2009 11:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
When Love replaces religion is when all people will say to one another: "Don't WORSHIP Good, BE good" - Regards, Antichrist.
At June 18, 2009 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
When there are no religions, races, or cultures, there will be no religious, racial or cultural wars. - A.Christ
At June 18, 2009 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
When the comet approaches, all the peoples of the world will say to it: "Are you an instrument of suffering? Then you shall come to Me, for I am the ETERNAL SACRIFICE"
At June 18, 2009 12:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
A common enemy in the form of a giant asteroid will unite Humanity forever. - AC
At June 18, 2009 12:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
At the local DVD store I asked, "Do you have a movie called Meteor?" The salesgirl looked at me blankly.
"Comet??" "No."
"Asteroid???" "Sorry, Sir"
"Large rock?
"Okay, maybe a small stone, perhaps..."
"Not even a tiny particle?"
"What's your problem? Are you against peace on Earth?"
At June 18, 2009 12:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Since there is only a handful of of bodies in the world to which astronomical observations are reported for authentication, without which no one would take them seriously, it is quite easy to hold back information on an impending earth-impact by a celestial object from the general public, by denying and/or rubbishing the wild ramblings of a genuine space hacker. - ac
At June 28, 2009 5:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please do not believe in speculations that are not reliable, the bible has the description of the end time in a different a way and emphasizes its coming like the coming of a thief abruptly how dare you say it is already known by whatsoever calenders you call, to me i would say this are speculation but we better be prepared for the real one which no one of us knows if death does not part you before it.
Turn to Christ and be ready but not for 2012 to me atleast before you die or before Christ's desriptive time
At June 28, 2009 5:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please do not believe in speculations that are not reliable, the bible has the description of the end time in a different a way and emphasizes its coming like the coming of a thief abruptly how dare you say it is already known by whatsoever calenders you call, to me i would say this are speculation but we better be prepared for the real one which no one of us knows if death does not part you before it.
Turn to Christ and be ready but not for 2012 to me atleast before you die or before Christ's desriptive time
At June 28, 2009 5:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please do not believe in speculations that are not reliable, the bible has the description of the end time in a different a way and emphasizes its coming like the coming of a thief abruptly how dare you say it is already known by whatsoever calenders you call, to me i would say this are speculation but we better be prepared for the real one which no one of us knows if death does not part you before it.
Turn to Christ and be ready but not for 2012 to me atleast before you die or before Christ's desriptive time
At June 28, 2009 5:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Please do not believe in speculations that are not reliable, the bible has the description of the end time in a different a way and emphasizes its coming like the coming of a thief abruptly how dare you say it is already known by whatsoever calenders you call, to me i would say this are speculation but we better be prepared for the real one which no one of us knows if death does not part you before it.
Turn to Christ and be ready but not for 2012 to me atleast before you die or before Christ's desriptive time
At August 12, 2009 8:50 AM,
Unknown said…
My friends, I look all over the World to see who knows what is gonna be happened in few minutes, I couldn't find it.The Humain being stay humain being. But God is God. Go get your Bible and pray Lord first to help you understand through the Spirit the Bible. Anything in our system can penetrate the Earth planete but God still has controle. Because the Bible says this planete will be purified by the Fire. But not by Comete. Revelation 20; 21; 22
Read those verses and memorise them. You don't need worry about what is gonna happend, but you to accept Jesus-Christ in your life, be baptise, be kind, be faithful, be obedient, follow Jesus step and do not listen the devil, but Jesus and only Jesus can save you and your Family, observe God's Commandement not nine, but The Ten Commadements and don't forget the Holy Day, the Sabbath Day which is Saturday. Accept Jesus-Christ in your life preach the Gospel to the World and let them Jesus is coming back verry soon and every beleivers and faithful christian will stand in the presence of his Glory, beacuase they wash their Robes in the Blood of Jesus-Christ and they obei God and Jesus instructions. My friends don't worry about 2009, 2010, 2012. you don't know when you going to sleep tonight, as you drive your car you can have an accident and dead but if you accept Jesus in your life anything can happened but your life is in Jesus hands. He raise you up like Lazarus in the Bible. John 11:43,44. Do you Beleive and love Jesus-Christ for everything he done for you and your parents or family. Do not wait 2012 to accept Jesus in your life. But right now. Don't wait for tomorrow is gonna be late. But Right Now. Get ready for the Second Coming of Christ. God bless each and every one of you.
At September 08, 2009 1:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Check out the real 2012 movie direct from the source.
Filmed for 5 years in Guatemala.
At September 19, 2009 8:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
yeah but think what if this does happen we are gone the world is over what if everything goes wrong think about it
At October 26, 2009 5:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
the comet is now on the way towards earth and should arrive by 2012 and nasa better keep us informed liars
At November 04, 2009 11:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
i don't know about the comet or the world coming to an end.....but do know that the world will get destroy buy US the day of the machine is near beaware..
At November 30, 2009 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
FFS People!!! Nothing is going to happen 2012. As we all know the aztecs where very intrested in astronomy and the calender is only ending because the earth has completed a whole rotation through its own axis.
every 72 years the axis is tilted 1 degree, so that means it takes the earth around 25.000 years to complete a full rotation, the aztecs considerd the beginning of this rotation from when the earth was in line with the center of the galaxy, as we are 2012, this is what i believe anyways, there is many possible threats to our planet and asteroids are a greater threat then comets, we have a large number of asteroids on a possible interception course with earth and new threats are discovered every day, but it is not by the hand of God or Satan, its pure logic, pure physics! The impact descbribed in the text is not a global killer, a asteroid of that size hit earth every 100.000 year so we shouldnt be to worried. Just be aware of the threat so we can do something about it when the times come to resolve such a situation.
As for a theory of a large comet planet, it contradicts everything within astrophysics, such a body should in that case have so much energy itself so there would be no trojectory, it would just be a stray planet, and if it in that case allready been around earth it would never come back again.
peace out....
At November 30, 2009 11:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
FFS People!!! Nothing is going to happen 2012. As we all know the aztecs where very intrested in astronomy and the calender is only ending because the earth has completed a whole rotation through its own axis.
every 72 years the axis is tilted 1 degree, so that means it takes the earth around 25.000 years to complete a full rotation, the aztecs considerd the beginning of this rotation from when the earth was in line with the center of the galaxy, as we are 2012, this is what i believe anyways, there is many possible threats to our planet and asteroids are a greater threat then comets, we have a large number of asteroids on a possible interception course with earth and new threats are discovered every day, but it is not by the hand of God or Satan, its pure logic, pure physics! The impact descbribed in the text is not a global killer, a asteroid of that size hit earth every 100.000 year so we shouldnt be to worried. Just be aware of the threat so we can do something about it when the times come to resolve such a situation.
As for a theory of a large comet planet, it contradicts everything within astrophysics, such a body should in that case have so much energy itself so there would be no trojectory, it would just be a stray planet, and if it in that case allready been around earth it would never come back again.
peace out....
At December 17, 2009 6:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
The World will not going to an end on 2012
At December 17, 2009 7:23 AM,
PUDINA said…
What a funny joke raising the issue 2012
At January 11, 2010 11:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Truth about 2012: As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.The Governments of the world in order to prevent mass hysteria,civil unrest etc will never tell there people of any major impending catastrophe.There top priority is to make sure that the acting Government infrastructure survives a catastrophe to start a new society.The fact is we civilians are expendable pawns. Thats The Truth
At January 18, 2010 5:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, we have our beliefs. Whether religious or scientific our minds are forced to believe things.
At February 04, 2010 8:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
is this true?i cant believe it
At February 16, 2010 12:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
The comet is not going to hit Planet Earth in 2012. The bible predicts of a comet crashing to the earth at 2017.
At February 22, 2010 7:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
All you have to do is read the bible and understand it!!! God only knows!! There are no years in the bible like 2013, 2017 and so on..... just remember GOD ONLY KNOWS and for the people that believes you will know when he is here!!!!!!!!!!!
At March 11, 2010 10:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
If you really wanna know the truth, you definitely need to check this out: Click Here
At June 11, 2010 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Lol. I think the average age of people posting on this site is about 10. Stop scaring the kids. They'll have nightmares.
So if we are still here in 2013 and nothing's happened will you take it as proof that there is no god? No. I didn't think so. You will say, oops must have miscalculated, it will be in 20xx (add preferred date here).
Government must have brainwashed you into believing the world will end in 2012. Lol. Suckers. Think about that one!
Religion was a temporary stain on humanity. A way for the privileged few to control the masses, make them scared into conforming. A lot of you are still falling for it, lol. Its time is over, the new god is Science and we've got proof.
At July 25, 2010 7:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
im really not sure what to believe, i don't believe that God would harm his people like that he wouldn't have made heaven and earth and man if he was just going to continue to destroy what he loves he says he loves us and yes most of us commit sins it's in our nature. thats why theres confession and forgiveness no matter what you've done he will always love you something i've had to teach myself over the thousands of mistakes i've made in my life. yes i also understand its the day of his resurection or something i really dont fully understand that part and the part that has to do with how the myans think i really dont understand either but i mean really like the other comments said. . this shit has been goin on for years it happend in 2008. NASA is paid bank to keep everything in check, if NASA has the technology to determine whats going to happen i wouldn't be worried NASA has some some smart people working for them, ever watch armageddon? that movie is the exact situation that goverment is telling us what is going on, i think the government is trying to scare people into idk some how killing themselves because there going to die anyways idk the government can do some fucked and twisted shit. i just believe its the governments way of population control
bottom line. . if something was going to happen i believe it would have happend a long time ago. now i dont have my doubts that some climate changes and weather patterns are going to happen. but i really don't believe that it will end.
At September 02, 2010 4:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
were allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll gonna dieeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At October 14, 2010 4:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
December 21, 2012 is the time of a great comet and the death of a great man. The secretary of the navy Ray Mabus. This will be sudden and unexpected. The rain caused by the oil spills will wipe out the eastern united states leaving a dead land. The oil is mixing with the salt in the ocean and is turning red. And all of this is speculation and lies. Only my choices will become inherent.
At October 27, 2010 10:58 PM,
Monica said…
The gods(including Jesus) from heaven are giving us a hand and there is a grand plan to help us. Anyone who by permission is chosen by the Principal Energy who will write this Book transmitted via Alpha will connect him/herself to the Photon Cyclone Light and Unite...Dear sir Anonymous if you want to know more visit my site at and contact me I'll gladly show you how to find out the whole truth.
At March 12, 2011 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know what?... after reading way to much of htis drivel, I'll offer the following to the prophets of this age... If you're all so sure that 2012 is the end title your house your car and all things of value to me. You'll be gone by your account, but I'll still be here by mine. Therefore, I could make better use of your stuff, since you'll all be destroyed anyway... Thanks in advance for youe posessions... :)
At March 12, 2011 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Those who said we worship one God and then rattle off all the names of the religions of the world, I say this. We do in fact all worship the same God. The problem is in how we do it. No one comes to the Father but through the Son. And no one can come to the Son unless the Father compels them. Most of all God knows your heart and your very thoughts. If He doesn't compel you to His Son, know that He's examined you and found you lacking.... and you know why... In your heart, you know what you must do to get right with the Lord.... but you have to want to do it...
At April 20, 2011 1:05 AM,
G said…
One thing that should be kept in mind concerning 21 Dec 2012 and the likelihood of the arrival of any comets is that there is reliable proof (scientific and in historical/sacred texts) of 2catastrophic global events both caused by comets about 10,000 and 5,000 ago. I hope they weren't caused by a group of periodic comets. If they were, we are due for a return visit.
At May 26, 2011 3:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
Many people are saying that 2012 is the end. that the aztecs and others predictied it?But the word of God teachs otherwise.The reason why their calender only went to to 2012 because in 2012 there is a new "cycle"that will take place but it is not the end.As christians we know that thousands of prophacys have been fulfilled.The world will not end till the son of man returns and the rapture happens.The way the world is today the bible has told us how it will be in the end days.The end is near but not for those who wait upon the lord trust him,get to know him through his word Holy bible and he will give u understanding in all things throught his spirit.Dont fear for the greater God is with you.
At June 12, 2011 12:09 AM,
Anonymous said…
Lord Jesus has said very clearly that no one know the exact dooms day except Lord himself. however if we experiece major earth equake (avove 9.0) and starvation more frequently just like the laboring pregnant woman, then we will be very very close to the end. Therefore my conclusion is as long as we experience more magnitude 9 or higher earth quakes in the next few years, then it will be time for us to meet our lord Jesus.
At August 31, 2011 10:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
you guys and chikks are stupid fukk faces ---comet elenin is gonna smash and fukk up the earth---alot will die---and america isnt doin shit for the US ---they kno about this shit----i juss pray for the best but im prepared for the worst
Max boy says---- Fukk the World --N.W.O (new world order)
At November 25, 2011 8:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
world end for only 1 reason & its astroid impact..! but nasa lanches a new projact to distroy that stones in 2011...!
so look that for something refreshment...!
At February 03, 2012 11:32 AM,
Sriram said…
No! NASA is not preparing any kinds of project,because that's a natural. If you ask me i will say that world should die because itz a cheating world and every person livin in this world is havin shit things a new world should create with a good habits and am just 16 aged boy form puducherry in India :) keeeeeep smilin, that's gud for health!!!!
At March 12, 2012 8:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Don't you guys get sick of predicting the end of the world and always be wrong?
At April 02, 2012 11:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
And who is to say they are the smartest bc they say hey this is this old how can they truely know was man around when the earth formed nope they wasn't I do not believe anyone can say that they know for 100%a the earth is this age they lie the way they try to tell the age of something is just their opinion of the earths age carbon dating is a man made observation that really no 100% garuntee that it is absoulty without a doubt correct so for anyone to say the world or will not end is crazy
At August 10, 2012 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Fuck me. you. ppl. never. give up. Just. read. 5 years of bollox in 2 mins
At August 10, 2012 5:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Is da14 new dooms day astrod just like elenin an yu55 was last year or do we just sit an wait for pophis to arrive
At February 21, 2014 3:24 PM,
alvarisi said…
very very god
i like you
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