THE NEW EARTH: The Ascension of Planet Earth
This End of Age is the completion of a long evolutionary cycle when souls are created and sent out by the Creator into created worlds of matter to undertake a long cycle of evolution. At the end of a certain period, all of these evolutionary parts of the Creator are then drawn back to His bosom for His, and their assimilation of all their learning experiences. After this, they will then be sent out once again to embark on yet another round of evolution. By this the Creator is able to expand and add further complexity and beauty to His created Worlds of Matter. It is at this time that all beings must finalize and resolve all of their learning experiences in preparation for stepping up to a higher plane on the new round of evolution.
This Universal End of Age also coincides with the conclusion of Earth's own 2000 year-long Piscean Age, which commenced with the Birth of Christ and finishes by the year 2012 at the start of the new "Aquarian Age". All of the Star/Solar systems within our Milky-Way Galaxy will have completed a Grand Orbit around the Great Central Sun at the center of our Galaxy, a 26,000-year Cycle of the Zodiac, or one "Zodiacal Year". The Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac will have completed a full cycle of movement across the Heavens.
This End of Age is the completion of a long evolutionary cycle when souls are created and sent out by the Creator into created worlds of matter to undertake a long cycle of evolution. At the end of a certain period, all of these evolutionary parts of the Creator are then drawn back to His bosom for His, and their assimilation of all their learning experiences. After this, they will then be sent out once again to embark on yet another round of evolution. By this the Creator is able to expand and add further complexity and beauty to His created Worlds of Matter. It is at this time that all beings must finalize and resolve all of their learning experiences in preparation for stepping up to a higher plane on the new round of evolution.
This Universal End of Age also coincides with the conclusion of Earth's own 2000 year-long Piscean Age, which commenced with the Birth of Christ and finishes by the year 2012 at the start of the new "Aquarian Age". All of the Star/Solar systems within our Milky-Way Galaxy will have completed a Grand Orbit around the Great Central Sun at the center of our Galaxy, a 26,000-year Cycle of the Zodiac, or one "Zodiacal Year". The Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac will have completed a full cycle of movement across the Heavens.
At July 25, 2008 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Source: =O=
The Message: Nearly two billion years ago, the Atman descended from Parabrahma Loka, the world of the Supreme God, to this world to experience the wonderful Creation of God, here. It found the body of an ape, the only vehicle to occupy, as those of others were extremely uncomfortable and hence it occupied the same.
The innumerable souls that entered the various bodies of apes found themselves in different and difficult situation. Therefore, they struggled hard with their Koshas (space suits) to improve or evolve their Physical, Mental and Intellectual bodies and also worked against the genetic effects. This kind of resistance to the animal nature was given by the Astral body regularly in all the lakhs of Births and thus it evolved the present human body.
The evolution of the Body, Mind and Intellect was also accelerated by other factors like the cyclic influences of the Four Yugas and the constant vigil and guidance of the Sapta Rishis, the seven great Rishis.
Just as we have the Spring season as the best of all seasons, so also the Satya Yuga is the best of all Yugas. One of the many cycles of the Four Yugas has closed recently and a new cycle has commenced from 14th April 1974. The earth and its inhabitants have once again entered the first and best of the Four Yugas.
The Rishis who are our Guides in our overall progress also help us by giving us the proper methods in our moral and Spiritual practices. They also keep watch over the climatic effects, world Karmas and do certain things from time to time to remove some obstacles and extreme sufferings and pain, to help our Karmas to work out quickly and plan and arrange for the arrival of the Avatars, the Rishis, Prophets and other great personalities who will also help our evolution directly and indirectly from time to time.
The world will presently pass through a period of unrest, upheaval of every kind – political and other. Leaders put their followers in confusion by changing their ideas and sides as quickly as chameleon changes its colour and thus lead the followers to chaos and confusion.
There will be many earthquakes, volcanic eruptions in some parts of the world. New islands may appear and some known islands and coastal towns may disappear. In some parts of the world, there will be a great famine on account of which people and cattle will suffer and also perish in large numbers. New diseases will take big toll of human lives.
The increase of population which may reach 9 billions or even more will make the life of every human being very miserable. Great wars will be fought causing destruction and death. The change of magnetic poles first followed by the geographic poles will also take place. The appearance of ominous comets will cause the disappearance of great men on earth. One comet is likely to collide with the earth and thus pollute earth’s atmosphere causing great damage to all beings.
People from outer space will land on earth and impart their knowledge to us. The knowledge thus acquired will help us materially and spiritually. The sun will once again get his importance and be worshipped by all as God.
During these years of change, suffering and destruction, the Atman guided by the Rishis works hard, conquers the Arishad Vargas (animal nature) and other weaknesses in man and finally will emerge out as a Divya Purusha (Light Being). In this higher state, man will stay on earth for nearly 20,000 years in the company of God.
At February 04, 2009 1:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
lol wut?
At February 28, 2009 11:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
hm this this very interesting. i disaggre on one fact tho because the gods came here perposfully and planned the rise and fall of our nations. the time is soon when we will walk among the gods and i hope everyone can see the light from the darkness. God and his aspects devised a way to seek further knowledge behind his own aspects of that being* emotion and the all knowing being* we ourselves are gods in physical form with not all aspcts of our minds and bodies when we pass through the troubles ahead we will be light beings higher than the angels, gods higest order after his three aspects.WE MUST SEE THE PEACE TIME IS NOT FOREVER AND WE ARE ALL ONE BECAUSE WE ARE ALL THE SAME!! The Child knows that what is true and tried hidd.
At June 25, 2009 6:41 PM,
Unknown said…
The planet we live on is amazing, it supplies us with everything we need.
Although our race of gaining higher technology is slow, we will figure ways to eliminate fuel's and emissions. at this point and time we are slowly destroying what has so generously allowed us to live here.
The earth is a delicate place and there are not many other places in the universe that can compare, Once our leaders make the decision to uncover all the things they dont want you to know we will be able to take the next step in planet recovery.
By the time our sister planet reaches us it will be diverted from the collision path. 2012 is Real... but nothing will happen to either Earth or Nibiru.
If you still dont believe in other life in our solar system then you need to open your eyes, the time of discloser is very close and soon everyone will see the truth that has been locked behind closed doors for 100's of years.
Call me crazy or call me smart, but by the end of our life times our whole star system will be joined as one. There will be no war of Countries or war of religion because we will finally realize that it is pointless, Every person has opposite opinions when it comes to our Gods or how we got here.
But really the answer has been sitting right in front of our faces the entire time, i dont know if im the only one that can see this but for the time being I suggest we all just live our lives to the fullest and not worry about what is going to happen.
James Marshall.
At September 08, 2009 1:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Check out the real 2012 movie direct from the source.
Filmed for 5 years in Guatemala.
At December 02, 2009 3:05 AM,
manipulation said…
um...will you please read the Bible?
At December 02, 2009 3:15 AM,
manipulation said…
(Christian) Seven Realities Of Experiencing God
1.God is always at work around you
2.God pursues a continue love
relationship with you that is real and personal
3.God invites you to become involve with Him and His work
4.God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the BIBLE,prayer,circumstances,and the church to reveal himself,His purposes,and His ways
5.God's invitation for you to work with Him always lead you to a crisis of belief that requires faith and action
6.You must make major adjustments in you life to join God on what he is doing
7.You come to know God by experience as you obey Him and He accomplish His work through you
At December 09, 2009 5:12 AM,
c.swaminathan said…
You live by truth and You will surpass 2012.
You can also avail the Help from LIGHT CHANNELS which will guide you sail through all the obstacles that are going to come in the next three years from 21.12.2009 to 21.12.2012.
Visit for guidance and help.
At March 11, 2010 10:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
If you really wanna know the truth, you definitely need to check this out: Click Here
At December 31, 2010 3:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
the 2nd to lat comment is right but 2012 we will not die look at the y2k thing
At March 12, 2011 5:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hate to be pedestrian inmy evaluation of such a scolarly work as the first post here..ahem.. but I would like to sum up my critique with just one word. That word carefully chosen is "Hogwash". Whatever you were trying to get at, it might be best if you just keep on going....
At May 02, 2011 8:42 AM,
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Stop all this crap, just get life and forget all these stupid ideas about this overrated theme.
At July 07, 2011 1:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am building a space craft, similar to Noahs ark but a bit bigger and can fly, book a spot online.
A lot of people have nothing better to do, so you will be suitable for this journey.
At September 13, 2011 2:21 AM,
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At September 30, 2011 12:45 AM,
enerchi said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At September 30, 2011 12:54 AM,
enerchi said…
Thank you for sharing this information. It is absolutely true that Mother Earth and Humanity are at the door steps of complete Ascension. There is another great blog that can supplement what you learn here that I frequently post to. The blog is called Ascension With Earth and The Current State of Affairs. It discusses everything that is currently taking place in our reality that Main Stream Media refuses to acknowledge. It discusses the roles of the E.T. Group calling themselves the Galactic Federation of Light, the collapse of the NWO and their fiat money system, the World Global Settlements, Dinar Revaluation,the Grand Deception of Multidimensional Beings, and other Intel reports from connected individuals.
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At January 20, 2012 11:17 AM,
hitesh said…
Event: Nimbus 2012 | Technical Fest
Organised by: National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur (H.P.)
Key dates:
Fest dates: 15th-18th March 2012
NIMBUS, the annual technical festival of NIT Hamirpur, as a reference to its name, is aura. An aura of knowledge. An aura of technology. An aura that is set ablaze with creative ideas, nurtured with dedication and sheer hard work and brought to climax by the passion of the students. NIMBUS, in all its spirit is a concoction of the aforenamed qualities. A new fragrance rules the air, a hushed murmur is widespread in the whole state and the atmosphere acquires a flamboyant feel. Sprawled across a time span of four days, this fest comprises of events that go a far way in honing the technical and managerial skills of students. It is four days of knowledge, exuberance, growth and fun, an end to which always leaves students in anticipation for the next year.
After six years, since its unveiling in 2005, NIMBUS has come a long way from new events that test and improve the skills of students, being added every year to bigger sponsors coming forward to finance Himachal's grandest and largest technical extravaganza.
At April 15, 2012 2:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
From the below Source:
Revolution by Light
Many unseen Masters in the Astral Worlds are monitoring the Life on this earth. Many lived here in earlier times. They carry great Love for all of us. They are aware that we will be going through great changes beginning from the end of this year, 2012. We will be entering a new Time-Frame. They want to help us to understand the processes and sail through this phase of great changes.
These Masters are passing on a lot of knowledge and energies through various channels. I am one of them. I am a channel for The Sapta Rishis, the seven sages, also known as The Hierarchy. My Guru, Maharshi Amara (1919-1982) works with them very closely.
I carry the following simple message from them meant for all the citizens of this earth. One is free to take this seriously or laugh it off. Everyone has Free Will. My job is that of a messenger.
We are aware of certain major events like our complete entry into the Photon Belt, Galactic Alignment, Pole Shifts, the earth standing still for three days etc., occurring at the end of this year. It is feared that these may cause disruption of communications and other systems, and a lot of destruction. The Rishis (Light Masters) ask us not to feel scared. Such events have occurred earlier and we have sailed through. We can easily prepare ourselves for this, and they help us. We are not alone.
Some are preparing to save themselves at this physical level by building underground facilities. But this will not help. We have to prepare ourselves at a different level, the Spiritual level.
Let us quickly and thoroughly understand that Spirituality is being good, being honest and living in harmony with others and nature. Let us also understand clearly that because we are entering the New Age or Light Age, the purity levels of our thinking and living have to be very high. Our old ways have to change. All the corrupt systems that we see around have to change. If they do not change, they collapse. It is this collapse that causes chaos and upheavals. Nature also initiates cleansing processes and causes destruction.
Smooth transition into the Light Age is possible without any chaos and destruction if we transform spiritually, cleanse the systems of corruption and live a value system. It is difficult to believe this simple reality. But the Rishis who have witnessed Transition in earlier cycles say that this is as simple as said. They are aware of Higher Intelligences, Higher systems and Higher Life. When the present corrupt systems collapse, they are capable of replacing them with higher systems immediately so that we survive and live in a world of unbelievable possibilities. They can activate our faculties to communicate telepathically when the communication systems collapse. They may help us to live on Prana, the vital energy from Sun, when food may not be available. There are endless ways of higher living in the Light Age.
At April 15, 2012 2:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
At this point of time, we have to understand the urgency and necessity of Spiritual Transformation and begin the preparation. Because we are already in advanced Transition period, we need not practise the old ways of Meditation to help Transformation. We can practise the most advanced technique of experiencing the Light.
The Light that I am speaking of is not the physical light. It is the Divine Light of the subtlest frequency from which all this creation has emerged. This Light has creative intelligence, purifies, heals and helps us in every way. This Light is God Himself. This Light is everywhere. Anyone can access this. The Rishis, The Masters in the Astral planes, have known this from times immemorial and have taught earlier civilisations how to seek benefits from the Light.
The Rishis say clearly: Experience this Light in every cell of your system of body, mind and intellect. It purifies, opens up our hidden faculties, helps establish contact with the outer Intelligences and Masters and, most importantly, at this point of time, helps us to sail through the great changes of 2012.
This Light can be channelled and spread around. Its vibrations impact the individuals and the systems. Corruption vanishes. Violence recedes. Love and Oneness prevail. The New Age of Peace and Perfection gets established. This has happened earlier and will happen even now.
This is no ordinary Revolution. It is the greatest silent Revolution ever built by ordinary people like us. Here, there are no leaders, no preachings and no politics. And there are no debates, candle light vigils or protests. Anyone and everyone can join this from the corner of one's room and make a difference.
I personally invite you to participate in this revolution.
The technique is very simple. (Watch video below) Sit quietly. Close your eyes. Imagine an ocean of Light above you. Imagine the Light enters you and spreads around. First, fill up your system of body, mind and intellect and experience the Light. Then, fill up your room, house and locality. You can also intend that the Light brings Purity, Peace and Perfection. Then, spread the Light to the whole world. Send the Light more to the places where there is turmoil.
There may not be any immediate dramatic changes. But you will experience changes in your life and surroundings. There will be changes all over gradually.
We began The Light Channels World Movement in 2008 and introduced the Light channelling in schools. Millions of children have channelled Light and have experienced miraculous benefits. The parents and the School Authorities are wonderstruck witnessing the changes in the children, their studies and behaviour.
Let this Movement of channelling Light spread to others and to the whole world. Let the Revolution by Light usher in the New Light Age.
We are inviting everyone to participate in channelling Light on 7th May 2012 for fifteen minutes from 07.45 pm (local time) to the world from one's own place. Let us participate in this most unusual event in millions. Please spread the Message.
There will be a live webcast of the event starting at 7pm IST on 7th May 2012. To watch and participate, please visit this site on that day.
Guruji Krishnananda
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