2012 Facts and Events
According to the Bible Code the world will end due to a collision with a meteor or comet.
According to spiritualist writer Bob Frissell, John Major Jenkins and others, humankind will ascend into a higher state of collective consciousness.
The Olduvai cliff will begin and permanent blackouts will occur worldwide, according to "The Peak Of World Oil Production And The Road To The Olduvai Gorge" by Richard C. Duncan.
December 21 - End of the great cycle of the Maya calendar's Long Count, and thus the alleged end of our world (the end of the cycle is dated December 23 by some calculations). Also interpreted as a change in human consciousness: the end of the world as we know it but the start of a new one.
Terence McKenna's Novelty Theory claims that time is a fractal wave of increasing novelty that ends abruptly in 2012.
According to the Bible Code the world will end due to a collision with a meteor or comet.
According to spiritualist writer Bob Frissell, John Major Jenkins and others, humankind will ascend into a higher state of collective consciousness.
The Olduvai cliff will begin and permanent blackouts will occur worldwide, according to "The Peak Of World Oil Production And The Road To The Olduvai Gorge" by Richard C. Duncan.
December 21 - End of the great cycle of the Maya calendar's Long Count, and thus the alleged end of our world (the end of the cycle is dated December 23 by some calculations). Also interpreted as a change in human consciousness: the end of the world as we know it but the start of a new one.
Terence McKenna's Novelty Theory claims that time is a fractal wave of increasing novelty that ends abruptly in 2012.
At April 30, 2007 6:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
it seems that some people can put trash on the inter net like that if the people would read the bible the find out the truth about the world ending some of the profecy have came true but not all so if any one is stupid enofught to belive this garbage on he a bigger fool than they are it a gimmick to get money that all it is
At May 22, 2007 6:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Amen brother/sister
At June 18, 2007 3:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
whoever gave the first camment is realy blinded and big headed bout there knolage. no one hase aney idear when the world will end or wot date wot time wot we haf2 relise is its going to happen one day mabey in aw life time mabey not everthing man haze to offer is true but the bibble sed it all beleave it or no its the truth just like the horse chariets found in the dead sea people dont beleave or just dont won to but its going to happen my name brendan cawley from mildura
At September 04, 2007 11:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Before you comment, slow down and think so you not only sound like an idiot in context, but also that you can't spell a single of the english language. The year 2012 is just the end of the transformations that are going to occur and are still occuring, open your eyes, open your mind, or be left in the dark. (literally)
At October 21, 2007 3:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just think clearly men and women. Put your mind towards this information and believe it. Don't be so big headed like mentioned before that nothing in the world is going to change, because everything is changing around us every day. If it does not happen then it doesn't. But, leave it to God and devote yourself to him before it does happen in 2012 or even tomorrow. Put it in God's hands.
At October 21, 2007 8:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
it seems that this subject has intrigue the best of us. the fact is every one is responsible for what they believe signs are sent to to those who wish to listen and comprehend the infinitive.
At October 27, 2007 6:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Precious is the intellect that mankind pursues to promote in dialect. His need out ways his understanding of things to come and what must be. Derived by cyclical motion and interpreted by ancient cultures bestow what will and must be. 2012 is to become the evolution of the stars, the complete cycle and acknowledgment of the the consciousness, the beginning on the apocalypse the new. - If only the truth be known.
At October 28, 2007 7:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Proverbs 27:12 I believe, says it best... "A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself; but the simple pass on, and are punished." In simple layman terms, that means, if you're smart, you can learn to read the signs to glimpse into the future and prepare; if you're not, you die obliviously. Whether you believe in the bible or not, atheist, agnostic, or christian, you must use what seperates you from the beast in the wild. Use what little gray matter you can, to "open" your eyes. "There is noone more blind than those who refuse to see". But the best advice I can give you all is, believe nothing, but suspect everything. Seek the truth, and you shall find, and as the good book says, it "shall set you free". Scrutinize whatever facts and start from there; for in my belief, the single most important law in the universe always prevails - Survival of The Fittest-. This has nothing do with going to the gym or running cross-country, but fit in all aspects, mind, body, and soul. You may ask, isn't a meteor more fit than anyone on earth? To which the answer is both affirmative or yes but also irrelevant. The real question should be, "how are you to spend the remaining time here on earth? Will you drink and eat, burn and waste your life away or will you cherish the planet and pursue a long and fruitful life for you and yours? Notice how The Constitution states every man shall have to right to Pursue his happiness. That means that it won't come to you, you have to go and get it. Will you wake up, open your eyes and do something to preserve life or will you lay down and die? Mark Twain's words still hold the truth, when he said "It's not what we don't know that gets us into trouble, it's what we know for sure, that just ain't so". Put aside all you think you know and begin to, not only exist, but Live. These are the questions that have remained unanswered, let them take your sleep at night; and don't rest until you have an answer. One is always busy, but Morgan Freeman said it best in Shawshank Redemption: Get busy livin or get busy dyin.
- Ç
At November 04, 2007 12:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Three Little Pigs story comes to mind as I read these posts.
It seems that the one pig prepared and built his house of stone and brick. The other two pigs did a fast job and went to play. You know the story the big bad wolf blew down the fast cheaply made houses and the three pigs huddled in the brick and stone house as the Wolf tried in vein to blow it down.
Aha...better to prepare know the facts it seems
At November 13, 2007 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
As "THE SECRET" comes to mind or more formally know as "The Law of Attraction" the age of consciousness or frequency of though is upon us. The vibrations that carry this incredible process through the endless universe is staged to present itself at the dawning of the Age of Aquarius or in other words the coming of the 2012 apocalypse. We are the creator of thought thus set our own destiny.
- E
At December 08, 2007 12:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
What scare me the most is panic and chaos leading up to this date. Is the whole population going to stop working to be with their families? Then what! the outcome could be a catastrophy in itself.
At December 24, 2007 8:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
No one knows the time the apocalypse will take place or the devastation that will be placed upon mankind. The year 2012 is not expected or understood to be the end all date (the apocalypse) but a renewing of the plants resources, refreshing of the environment, the cleansing of the soul. Only time will tell though facts do dictate that something with come to be at this juncture in time.
At January 04, 2008 11:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
the year really doesn't matter, there is scientific proof that large metorites have caused damage to the earth. now they say the moon might even be a part of earth that was blasted into space by a close encounter with a heavenly body. well we have crap like that shooting around the universe everyday and we have been lucky so far, but everyones luck runs out eventually so I say live each day like it's your last
At January 09, 2008 10:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
i dont think that it will be the worlds end but....
since people think it is im sure that things will happen that day like murders and some conflicts between countrys && stuff
cleary, people are taking this way out of porportion though because theres no real explination on why the world is going to just end december 2012
but i somewhat think its scary and i am definatly staying indoors that day
At April 27, 2008 3:12 PM,
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At April 27, 2008 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Nothing is far fetched about 2012. Polar shift is natural. Its happened more than once before in earth's past. Planet-x will soon be here. Nothing anyone says will change that. There will be a state of emergency and all analog antenna space will be very valuable. Why do you think all tv is going digital by next year. The rationing of oil? Huge government projects in norway for mass underground safety? This doesn't mean that everyone should go underground for 2012. Some of you will drown, some of you will fall into earth's cracks. Some of you will quickly melt and burn from hot lava. Some of you be shot by your own neighbors over food or shelter. Just be ready to accept that earth is just a tiny dot like millions that one days existed, breathed and lived, and the next day, blinked out, like it was never there to begin with. No proof left behind except for space debris and asteroid belts.
At April 27, 2008 3:34 PM,
Unknown said…
I found this on Wikipedia. Very interesting!
Unknown dates of events taking place in 2012
* Trinidad and Tobago will hold their general elections.
* Jamaica will hold its general elections.
* The Replacement Eastern Span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge will open to traffic, replacing the old Eastern cantilever span that was damaged in the Loma Prieta Earthquake in 1989, almost a quarter century (23 years) after the span was damaged[11]
* India's 11th Five-Year Plan (2007–2012) ends and the 12th one (2012–2017) starts.
* The United Kingdom will complete a 5-year process to cease analogue television broadcasts region-by-region, with Meridian Broadcasting, ITV London, Tyne Tees Television and UTV being the last areas to switch off analogue.[12]
* Australia and Ireland will cease analogue television broadcasts.
* California's ban on the production of foie gras will take effect.
* NASA's new Orion spacecraft will become fully operational for International Space Station support flights.
* China will launch the Kuafu spacecraft
* Freedom Tower in New York City: Construction will be finished.
* Sight & Sound magazine will conduct its Top Ten Films of All-Time poll for the seventh decade since 1952.
* The Hallandsas Ridge Tunnel will be completed, 17 years behind the original plan.
* The Canberra class light aircraft carriers/large amphibious ships, the largest ships ever to be operated by the Royal Australian Navy, will be in service.
* The sun will reverse its own magnetic poles during 2012 as result of reaching the end of the current 11-year sunspot cycle.[13]
* The Canadian Navy receives the delivery of the first Joint Support Ship.
At April 27, 2008 3:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
That analog tv thing is pretty scary. It makes alot of sense!
At April 29, 2008 6:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
there is actually a lot of evidence out there stating 2012 could happen. do some research and make a better decision after you try to accept that it could happen. im not a religious person so 2012 is a more likely possibility than there being a god, thats a bold statement i know, but so is saying that 2012 wont happen. i hope something does happen that day, not that everyone dies, but rather something monumental enough to change people for the better. i'd rather live in a cave with my family than work 12 hours a day and never see them. open your mind and watch this video on youtube.
good luck everyone
At June 07, 2008 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Anyways. I do believe something will happen. Hopefully it will be a positive change, but even if its not then good riddance. This world although some small percent of the world is kind and generous, the rest is nothing but a waste of life.
At June 17, 2008 6:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
The year 2012 appears to be of some significance. Neptune discovered in 1846 will make its 1st revolution around the sun in 2012. The symbol for Neptune is the fork. Does that mean anything?
At July 07, 2008 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
LOL wow and marijuana is also going to be legalized in 2012. Yea sumthing big is going to happen with God. Its going to be for when god rules, he's going to promote peace.
At July 18, 2008 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Lol don't care but it would be interesting if something happens after all.Oh,by the way,dont you think these predictions are too many?It would be like every day a new surprise :O
At August 12, 2008 2:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
i have stumbled on so many coincidences and followd my intuition correctly, even brought me here cause i knew that piano's history had something to do with this so by "fluke" i've been saying that alot l8tly i am here and i believe that time will end because there will be no use for time anymore once a time machine is invented. i am going to write a book that will help everyone evolve into a new type of structured living with no reason for $$$ to have no reason for hope and be more than content with the choices they make.......ttys
At August 19, 2008 11:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
just last night i watched an AMAZINGly interesting show (on the history channel) about facts and myths of this very argument.
it talked about how theyre were many prophecies by people who were right before (not about silly things either.. things like Queens Elizabeth by name, the spanish armadas, the outcomes and starting and ending points of the two world wars etc..)
it also looked at different calanders and mathmatical equations ALONG with scientificly based evidance.
the bible says that the world will come to an end with the collision of another planet (also prophesized) this would only happen if the polars switched. (when the earths crust actually rotates around itself) this would cause devastaing earthquakes, tidal patterns and drastic changes in weather. IT HAS BEE SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN THAT IT HAS HAPPENED IN THE PAST. that in fact the poles were actualy close to where the current equator is.
now. the show also talked about prophecies of "bloodshed". these people who "saw" this also "saw" men flying (planes) boats swimming like fish (subs) and flying screaming creatures with wild hair (helicopters!!). along with these things (like i said before,, they saw WW1 and 2. the prophecy of bloodshed *personally) leads me to believe a WW3 is coming on. (**also: they say diseases) so i would think that this could mean a world war on such massive and devastating scale.. and hell.. with NUCLEAR and BIOLOGICAL warfare.. its deffinatly in the making. ((NOT ONLY THAT. but also disturbances in the middle east in what is now our time.))
hmm. makes you think dont it?
so all in all. the end in the world could be and act of nature. mother nature taking back her earth.. which we managed to mangle and pollute.. and we are certainly doomed if that is the case.
but option 2? a world war 3? this is purely the act of mankinnd and shamefully realistic. so for the fools who dont believe the prophecies or the idea of a large scale natural disaster.. look at our governments.. look at our enemies.. and look at our youth. they are the ones who will be stepping up. if the end of the world will end in bloodshed and disease.. we can postpone it at the very least.
and also a side note to the person above me... i dont htink time travel will actually ever be possible. time itself is simply and invention of the human mind to try to chart.. to comprehend.. something so completletly beyond us. whether godlike or past our brain capacities.. it is unfathomable and untouchable.. that is.. without a Tivo...
At August 19, 2008 11:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
if you have about an hour.. heres what she was tlaking about.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Y4EiFeTQ3s
At September 08, 2008 11:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
we are approching an huge change for the planet and for the collectivity, we don't need to be afraid we only need to understand what is going on in teh time before it is too late, for exemple, i'm changing the place to live for the date of the 2012 in anywat i think it is a good idea to change location and go in a place higher then 800 meters, i like the idea that the peoples will be better in the era of aquarious.
love and happiness for all
At October 10, 2008 5:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
2012 is the year when the axes of the Earth, The Sun and our Galaxy, Milky way are PARALEL.
This happens once in 13000 years.
THE Mayan calendar ends in 2012.
The Ancient Macedonian calendar,based on the 5000 years old Kokino observatory, in which the Sun aligns infront the two reticles.
Macedonian calendar error is 0,002%
According to the Egyptians, Phoenix lands and turn into ashes, then rise again every 13000 years.
At October 12, 2008 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thinking back to Y2K, i remember the aftermaths of the situation. The only thing that happened was a short term boost of the economy. People actually stocked up for that stuff. (shows how ignorant people were of computers then....imagine how much ignorant we grow toward our own creations) My point is this - Yes there are certain facts regarding 2012. think of our solar system as a disk...we will be passing right through the disk from above (dark rift - this will align us perfect with the cinter og the milky way galaxy - there is a huge black hole ion the center of our galaxy..another fact is we will be experiencing a "solar maximus" and the sun will actually undergo it's own polar shift..our earth, nasa warns, will also under go a possibly rapid pole shift itself. The ancients talk about nibiru and that our ancestors come from this planet and that soon we will see this rogue planet returning from its 3600 year eliptical orbit ( appearing as a fiery cross even during the day. I'm not in a position to tell you what i believe regarding the annunaki and nibiru, but we all ought to consider ourselves lucky to live and witness the supposed most important event in mankind's history...Nothing ever really sinks in as truth until you see it..evidence and appealing research can fool alot of minds..how bout lets wait and see. people do not be fooled by those out there trying to scare the bejesus out of you. Lets wait and see what happens..If some rogue planet is coming, we'll know about soon. People stop saying the government and scientists hide everything. Most major celestial discoveries are made from amateur astronomers. Bust seriously if this rogue planetary system does come back to the vicinity of our earth and all people are able to see it with their naked eyes -YES i nelieve then we're facing the apocalypse -
At January 05, 2009 3:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
ever think they just got tired of writing the damn calender? i mean really.... end of the world??
the were carving stones.... honestly...
At January 05, 2009 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well said about the carving stones. Enough of the enlightenment of conscience and all. Please people take it easy and just relax. For those of you that believe so much in this I'd like to know what you are doing? If the end of the world is coming why waste time going through your everyday lives of work, school, and/or play. Just drop out of society already. To me this is silliness, just an interpretation without true meaning because of the many things that cannot be explained. Remember people, everyone intereprets things they do not know about in different ways. End of the world in 2012 or new way of thinking. I say NOPE! This whole thing is for people that are looking for some deep meaning to life or their time here on earth.
At January 13, 2009 11:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
I hope I wont be around to see this.
The futures going to be shit that's for sure.
At February 01, 2009 4:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
For sure something will happen or not. I have seen a lot of rumors about 2012. My personal oppinion is if something is gonna happen it will happen fast or slowly for human understanding. But anyway we dont know anything about the nature of things that will happen. I dont think it will happen exactly on December 21st 2012. Maybe i sound like an idiot. Searching for a deeper meaning of life means to assume that there is one. Should there be a deeper meaning? And if so why? I am not a nihilist at all. But to reduce every thing to the basic understanding of mankind gives not the answer to the question of all questions. Because we are unable to even define the question at all.
Why is it bad not to know what will happen? Why not take it as a sake? Why ask for what will happen on December 2012? I cant give the answer ;-)
But i am not scared at all of things to come. Even if i dont know about their nature. Cheers!!! Prost!!!!
At February 17, 2009 3:45 AM,
Benitepapa said…
I believe that our whole conciousness & spirit partially flows with the magnetic field of the earth, when the pole shift occurs of course we will feel a change, Maybe even a tingling sensation aswell.
At February 17, 2009 3:45 AM,
Benitepapa said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At May 28, 2009 12:35 PM,
kevin said…
Everyone here with few exceptions should shut their computer down until they take some kind of English course and learn how to spell> What is knolage??
At May 28, 2009 12:38 PM,
kevin said…
The previous message was concerning a message posted June, 18 2007. Check it out. How can you spell like that and expect anyone to believe a word you say?
At June 07, 2009 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
you really believe in scientists don't you? just like they said we were going to have a computer shutdown in 2000 and the devil was supposed to come in 6/6/06 because of 666 just shut the hell up your a faggot. also it doesnt say in the bible the world will end by a meteor or comet... god said noone knows when the world will end except for himself... up next scientists find out water is wet
At June 11, 2009 3:56 PM,
namesmaster(Brazil) said…
In fact, all we imagine will have power.
Comets, asteroids and tragic events are claimed by many people. Most are connected with death, disasters, fatalities. The fear uses all forces to avoid the free will, the real free opportunity to change time.
We can't avoid prophecy facts...and that must be hapen. When thats will be happen is not defined.
Look that, perhaps 2012 will be a fake, a "common calc error" like 1999, or 2000 where idiots claimed the final judge... but perhaps, not. We don't know, and if we have 2012 with "nothing", many stupid people will decide to consider all prophecies as "fakes". After that, if someone claim that the fact will be occur in 2014, people will don't believe.
When all people sleep, the prophecy will appear.
There are a lot of information in our days. We can access them and compare different approaches to these moment.
At my vision, we will not desapear, but suffer sonekind of cosmic disaster. That disaster will come because we don't use our best conscious.
Think with me:
What kind of force can make the moon 11 times greater than sun?
Why pregnant women will be the most affected at these time?
Why the time duration will be not too long?
We look to a problem coming to Earth, but, is no sense by Bible, Nostradamus and many other prophecies.
If the planet, asteroid or comet colide with the Moon... what's happen with Earth?
We will have a great water transformation... and all atmospheric laws will be momentaneally crashed. Thats can allow stones to come from sky, thats can make giant tsunamies, because oceans will be attracted to Moon gravity... and the pregnant women wil suffer, because the amniotic liquid will expand and crash their bodiees... (Biblical predition).
After one ore two weeks, the Earth /Moon gravity will return to "normal point", equilibrium point.
After that time, all we consider in our society will be changed...
Nostradamus describe our conscious after that fact:
"Man will dfo not search for gold as personal property"... imagine what that means to understand the impact in our society concepts.
We can't avoid the prophecy, but we can modify the time where that will appear. The day believes to God, we are the God's childrens. By using our imagination power, we can access the God's garden. We can unify our minds and with that, modify the matter... (that is a platonic vision, the matter is so dark that people don't believe in a greater force... the force who creates our confort! Immagination!
When people believes in something, that thing becomes real... we don't need to pain, to suffer, we only need to believe with a great faith. We must be unified to a greater plan.
At July 27, 2009 11:06 AM,
Jessica robertson said…
Before buying a seat on a shuttle off this planet before 12/23/2012 I would ask people to take a second to remember the Y2K then think How can the world ends when it was suppose to already have been nullified .there are so many ideas on how the world will end it is hard to keep track.
Maybe I am wrong maybe something great happens after all the earth has changed before all of the continents where once all connected. Now this is just an idea but just maybe the axis of earth does move, those making the earth say tilt the ice from the North Pole melts creating newer fresher water rather than the water we as humans made filthy. As the world turns it starts to create a new north and South Pole those correcting it's self. There already signs in my option showing how are earth’s climate is changing all a person has to do is look up the average temp, of both the hottest and the coldest areas from the last five years and compare it to today’s. The hotter areas are cooler and the colder areas a warming up.
I know this may seem like a fairy tale but it is no more unlikely then the world ending in one day. Humankind is more likely to be drawn in by the angst and the drama of an apocalypse. Many people even somewhere in their hearts believe that mankind deserves to be wiped out for taking for granted the gift of earth. Some people may even commit to this 2012 belief so much that they may even take part in the many for told mass suicides not knowing that they are simply fanning the flame for more fear and panic. Suicide is a Willful act not a sign from God.
God gave use free will to do as we like if we are stupid enough to end are lives for something that is not for sure then go right ahead. I for one think it is foolish to even try to guess at God's (whatever God you believe in) plans. The bible says he will come like a thief in the night I for one think that if he was going to come on Dec. 23 2012 then our lord god should stick to being his highness upon high because he sure can’t cut it at playing a secretive Robin Hood. Really God’s will is just too vast and complicated for our primitive minds to even assume. And we all know what assuming get us...
Say I am wrong and we all die, I would rather spend my last moments with my loved ones the rushing, pushing and shoving to a “miracle” shuttle that no one can even promise to make it out of the atmosphere. If I am meant to die on December 23 2012 then I will die December 23 2012. I can only pray it is quick.
At August 25, 2009 6:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Look stuff can happen at anytime even the very minute you read this just because a few people made a prophecy that the world will end in 2012 doesn't mean it will happen an in fact the word apocalypse is always considered complete destruction but in fact it also means the time when good will triumph over evil. So for all we know there might be another Hitler out there who starts
WW3 in 2010 and than is defeated in 2012 i mean you never know what will happen tomorrow the world is a crazy place disasters happen everyday, asteroids hit the earth everyday, some people are going through there own disasters an apocolypses int there own countries right now. so chill out off all this end of the world business i mean honestly if somethin is gunna happen that wipes out the earth what are we going to do honestly hide in a bunker??? a lot of good that will do....lol you all are semi crazy
At August 26, 2009 4:47 PM,
Lauren said…
You know what's gonna happen in 2012? Americans will choose their next president, and we'll have the summer Olympics. Boom. No apocolypse, no end of humanity, nada. Besides, the Mayans most likely got tired of carving the fucking calender.
At September 05, 2009 3:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its really not cool at all to put this type of trash on the internet!
The whole IHC and all of the other sites are all garbage. Some people, me especially take this to the heart and are really starting to believe this. Its not right and you all should really stop! Alot of the stuff makes alot of damn since but its not true! This stuff is the work of the devil and is not going to happen any time soon! All of you guys are so nuts and really derranged if you think this stuff is really going to happen. I believe in God and I do know if this stuff happens, he is and will be our savior! You guys are really going to start a scare and that's really not cool! Sites like these she not be allowed on the internet.
At September 05, 2009 3:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
Its really not cool at all to put this type of trash on the internet!
The whole IHC and all of the other sites are all garbage. Some people, me especially take this to the heart and are really starting to believe this. Its not right and you all should really stop! Alot of the stuff makes alot of damn since but its not true! This stuff is the work of the devil and is not going to happen any time soon! All of you guys are so nuts and really derranged if you think this stuff is really going to happen. I believe in God and I do know if this stuff happens, he is and will be our savior! You guys are really going to start a scare and that's really not cool! Sites like these she not be allowed on the internet.
At September 08, 2009 1:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Check out the real 2012 movie direct from the source.
Filmed for 5 years in Guatemala.
At September 23, 2009 8:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I had something happen to me that lets me know time travel is possible without any machine...God can do anything. I had a dream in April of 2001 about the date 4-17-2011 and on faith believed it to be Easter or Palm Sunday..and that the end would be shortly after that time. A few months after that I spoke to my preacher and he said I could have looked that date up on a computer and how did he know I hadn't? I went home after that talk and surfed the date and found that it is Palm Sunday in 2011, so unless this is going to be only my time to go..it may be the end or new beginning for everyone...and why not 2012? If you don't believe in God..maybe you should...
At October 10, 2009 4:19 PM,
Lindsey Deatherage said…
You know I am new to this whole, 2012 thing. I have no idea about the 5 billion facts and myths about the entire thing. But what I do know, is that there has been so many of these 'predictions' & one of the biggest and dumbest ones was Y2K. My exboyfriend, and friends and all believe and think they're going to die, if they don't believe in 2012. Which I think is utter bullshit. A guy above said it, himself, EVERYTHING CHANGES, EVERY DAY. Look at that and completely put yourself in this. If you believe in God, okay put yourself in his hands, me on the other hand, with the ideas, myths, facts, reasons that I have read; it all points to the same thing. It's just a new change going to happen. Most of the believers is just utter ignorance, and believing in the Nostradomus qoutations, that have been altered to signify occurences that have had happened. But I guess, as everything else in the world, there's just groups of churchies, of believers, and once again for this world. No one agrees with eachother worth shit. Lol. I guess we'll find out?
At October 18, 2009 6:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who ever left the third comment is a dumbass who thinks he knows everything.
who ever left the second comment: LOL LMAO ROFL
if u dont know what that means:
Lol-lagh out loud
Lmao-laghing my ass off
Rofl-rolling on the floor laghing
At October 18, 2009 6:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
At October 21, 2009 4:01 PM,
LaKiN said…
ok if ur a christain and believe in god and read a jkv then u know that it says know one knows when the world is goin to end so if ur saved and ready to go thats great but if not maybe u should get ready.
THINK ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!
At October 21, 2009 4:03 PM,
LaKiN said…
no one knows when the world is goin to end get over it!!!!!
it could be tomorrow the thing is if it does happen tomorrow, r u ready???
At November 04, 2009 4:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
No body knows..... NO can find... no one can give solution.... if its god plan will happen.
but one thing every one can know from the happenings around the world...
The END already started... probably 2012 be the worst period, beginning of new generation...... new mind.... new soul....
Hope at least during that time people will realize what is peace.... kind.... good... who ever transforms, who ever follow the good will survive.... who ever want to be still on the bad way of doing things will die by their own thoughts.....
At November 05, 2009 9:38 AM,
Unknown said…
Say someone asks you if you believe in God and you say “Yes of course I do.”
Then they ask you why, where is the proof, why would you believe in something that you only believe in because other people told you certain things or you read things out of a book that may or may not be true.
Just because someone, somewhere at some point in time wrote something down in a book doesn’t mean it actually happened.
The bible has been translated differently by hundreds if not thousands of people all who have their own ideas on what is being said. Who’s to say they are right, or wrong? None of us were obviously there.
First and most importantly, I do believe in God and try my best to live my life in ways that bring glory to him.
Sometimes, no-- most times I do fall short. But I continue to try to do the right thing day by day. I have learned a lot by making mistakes in life and feel that we can learn from our mistakes and people can change if you truly have God in your life.
I know there have been a lot of doomsdays prophecies, but wasn’t Y2K more computer related then end of the world type doom.
And now with 2012, regardless if NASA has found a new star “Nibirus” that is supposedly going to come close enough to throw our magnetic pole off, or the facts that scientist relate to the sun, the earth and the galaxy are going to line up perfectly something that hasn’t happened in like 28,800 years and this is going to cause mass electronic interference if not some type of climate change as well(I still don’t understand how they can claim this one, no one was around then to start the clock) but I am not a scientist by any means.
I haven’t heard or read of anything that would state that the earth is upon another doomsday, all I have come across are facts and yes some myths / theories on what some people both educated as well as laymen have stated.
That there will be a big climate change, and yes a lot of people are going to die, and those that don’t and are not prepared are going to suffer even worse. How is that doomsday? I always thought doomsday was the end of everything AND everyone as we know it. Seems to me there is some leeway here on total annihilation.
With that said, how long are you going to wait until it’s too late to prepare yourself, your families, your loved ones?
My wife thinks I am crazy, and doesn’t want me to even bring this “Crap” up around her. Yes it’s scary to think about what may happen.
But I think it’s even scarier to think about my family (wife and 4 boys ages 1-9) not even having a chance because we starve, or drown, or die in a fire, whatever may happen.
There is an old saying relating to God and having faith that relates to all this.
I would rather live my life believing in God and when I die find out there isn’t one, then lead a life not believing in God and when my time ends find out he is real.
I choose to believe.
Believe in what you want to believe in or don’t.
But I would rather be prepared and at least have something planned for my families safety and feel slightly (ok greatly) stupid when nothing happens, then believe that this is all just B.S. and when the poles shift, or the star throws our climate into chaos, whatever happens kills us all.
For those of you that wish to slam me, make fun of me, more or less basically insult me, I have nothing but love for you all and pray that whatever comes to place finds you and your families safe and sound.
At November 06, 2009 10:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Can we please have someone with a scientific background and knowledge of the earth and universe? It would be a wonderful thing to have some fact posted rather than bible quotes (ie stories)...
Thank you
At November 08, 2009 9:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
At November 12, 2009 5:00 AM,
Mana Talk said…
Well, I'm going to the top of a big hill (when I get there) with a great view looking over the city, bring a battery powered radio, tune it into a major AM news station and listen...
Then, after i've had a nice picnic on that hill, watched nothing happen, and heard all the stupid and moronic sheep/puppets lead by books, carvings, scrolls, tapes, dvd's, etc created and written by men for men that are or did really stupid and idiotic crap all day.
I will then go home and take a big dump. Then, grab a bag of chips, settle down on my couch, turn on the TV and watch the some football.
At November 13, 2009 3:00 AM,
Keisham_Rishi said…
Lets leave all this to time. We human try to decide too many things with the little knowledge we have. If the AllMighty (Any name you can take), wants 2012 to be the end, it will be the end. Can any of us stop it.
May be like the Jurassic age our human age is over, the only thing that can be true is, "Everything happens for good", besides do human live forever.
At November 15, 2009 11:06 PM,
Justin said…
Ok I'm only 14, but I have sat down and read the revelation, and watched some shows about 2012, and scene and heard about alot of profecys about all this. People say nothing will happen and some say something will. Notradomas said something will happen but doesn't specify what. The book of revelation says something will happen, and so far every thing in that book has happened, because were in the 6th seal, and like it says stars will fall( asotroids) and the mountains will seperate, which is creating caves, and the current part were in says people will be punished by just the word god. And if you read the news they say that many people are trying to get gods name removed from the pleg. And I know thy in my school a kids sometimes get in trouble for a bible. and it's said there will be a solar flare. But there is always solar flares and sometimes hit the atmosphere and hit satellites also 2006 a flare hot Qubec canada and knocked out the power grid. Now of that happens to use we will have blackouts. But that's even if the the US is by the sun at the time. Think back toY2K people panacked and nothing happened,or when Haleys comet was suppose to hit, I've heard alot and just letting others know my knowledge And Im really just trying to say that you should expect anything,follow the lord, get saved, repent, just take sometime to really think about the posabilities.
Now I probably misspelled alot and I'm sorry.
Now it would be nice if anyone can email me and let me know more bout all this.
Thank you all for reading, and thank you if you email.
God bless you all, and follow your beliefs.
At November 18, 2009 5:31 PM,
Unknown said…
The bible states jesus will come as a thief in the night so you won't know he showed up
At November 18, 2009 5:32 PM,
Unknown said…
You won't know it happened
At November 18, 2009 5:37 PM,
Unknown said…
All you mother fuckers are retarded shit holes bitches
At November 18, 2009 5:39 PM,
Unknown said…
You All should RELAX!!!!!!!!!!!
At November 21, 2009 9:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
The bible states jesus will come as a thief in the night so you won't know he showed up ,it will happen at 2012
At November 25, 2009 1:40 PM,
Matt said…
Interesting comments here ,tbh i don't think we know anything about what will happen but something surely will .Why am i saying that?Simply look around you ,we have wars ,economical crisis ,diseases(swine flu is actually a preety serios diseas since it can kill) ,natural disasters ,global warming and the list goes on.So let's say this 2012 stuff is all lies and speculations ,but sooner or later we will go down ,either if its 2012 or 2013 or 2055 ,and we will fall hard.
At December 13, 2009 7:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
have heard may things abt it..end of world n all stuffs....wat has to happen is going to happen..i just am ready to face it..we don't have to worry abt dat very day..live ur life as u want to each n every day n stop worring abt it...wat ever happens it happens for good..live in today n 2morw wil b urs. we don't need to worry abt it. we r nt going to face it alone we all r together in dis..whole world is..
At December 16, 2009 6:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
we all are going to die soon and we may never see it so why worry just die and be happy. sorry for those that are left behind to deal with our mess. be at ground zero make it quick
At December 21, 2009 3:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I honestly don't know whats going to happen in 2012. It all seems too soon. I'm not even going to be out of high school. I don't even graduate until 2013. I'm not going to have a family of my own. I more than likely want know who was meant to be my one love. I pray every night before going to sleep hoping that this does not occur in my life time. I go to church every so often and say I'm not going to do things the same way again and then do. I sin everyday and ask for forgiveness and then go back and do the same thing. I question whether I should believe the religion I grew up in to another. I even question whether the bible is true. I know that is bad, but a person told me that, "that is part of human nature". Another person told me that you may not be able to see God, but he is still there just like you may not be able to see cells with the naked eye, but they are there. I'm scared to die, but I think everyone has a fear of dieing when their time comes. I have the worst fear of if/what comes. I don't like not having the knowledge, but it's just life and life isn't always easy I know. Someone told me recently that their step-grandfather is a paster and truly believes the world will end in December of the year 2012. They even said that the paster has facts from the bible and the knowledge he has that it will happen. They said that in the bible it says we will not no the day and time. We may really know the month and year, but to be honest I really do not want to know the month and year either. I'm scared of what will happen to my family, my friends, and me. I don't know whether I'm going to heaven or hell, but I do know that I do not want to spend the rest of ETERNITY in hell. I know that life consist of us being born then aging from then on, getting older and older by every second and learning. We can't know everything and all I can say is stick to the knowledge that you believe in and hope for the best.
At January 01, 2010 7:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
i hope that the world does not end in 2012. but acually know one knows when the world will end only god does and nothing can change that. it can be today tomarrow or even in a minute. so no one can say when the world will end. i beleive that the world will end when god is ready for it to. it is all upto him and only him. so that is what i think. scientist cant proove anything. so dont always beleive what u hear. you and the scientist can beleive that but i dont believe that at all.......
At January 01, 2010 7:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
no one should be scared god is the only one to say that today is the last day it is going to end
At January 01, 2010 7:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
no one should be scared god is the only one to say that today is the last day it is going to end
At January 17, 2010 3:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
im john all these people that cry the end is here well let me tell you why is our government building under ground places to wee they can go on of them places ar in denver air port look in to tis you will see its right yes something is going to happen and the sun is what part of it now on 12/21/2012 then three days a half that it the date12/24/2012 to were you must stay in house or get underground so that this and put them into you head cover the eyes from te sunand i have lots more just tex me here xmas eve is the end i will see who is ready out there
At March 11, 2010 10:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
If you really wanna know the truth, you definitely need to check this out: Click Here
At March 15, 2010 5:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
brendan cawley from mildura
If every one spelt like you the world should end.learn to spell then leave a real comment
At March 20, 2010 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At March 29, 2010 5:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Project camelot noreigon polition. Those without money to buy their way to safety will die. Those that survive the disaster will be hunted down, shot on the spot if resisting arrest, and taken to camps where they will be marked with a number. Have we been watching the history channel? Are we gathering enough information? The government can't be trusted. The prophecy of 2012 has been know since 1980. They have been hiding this from us. Look at the signs. Different contries have underground safety places, and then all of a sudden there is planet x. Scientists are keeping seeds of all kinds to plant there and food and water have been stored to be taken up there. Go to survival center.com. Everyone one already knows and is already prepared so your foolish if you think it's not going to happen.There is a rapper named lil wayne who just released a song called drop the world...listen to the words in this song and tell me everyone doesn't already know and have a plan of escape.. You need a whole body of evidence to prove it's going to happen and you'll never get it because the government doesn't want you to know anyway. Perhaps you don't believe it and thats fine but consider being prepared just in case. Visit survivalcenter.com
At March 30, 2010 2:24 PM,
stopes said…
its not going to hppend
At April 01, 2010 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
hello everyone,
we have a saying in our country that id like to share "a coward dies a thousand deaths, while a brave person dies only one".the day the world ends for each one of us is the day we die,be it today or tomorrow or 2012 or 2090, there is no need to dwell on gloom and doom, what has life must also die,we were born, we must die, whenever and however it is,nobody goes through life knowing the day they will die,whether it is at 8 years or 80 years, we must enjoy, appreciate,live every day that we have been gifted with,be kind,loving,forgiving,helpful to our fellow human beings.It would make a great deal of difference to someone if we spent an hour with a homeless person,old or disabled person,young children,mentally ill members of our society.The time spent on talk about what could or could not happen,perhaps could be spent in a more productive way, im not trying to tell others what to do,but to air my opinion,spend less time worrying about your own demise,it will come as and when it is supposed to,be loving to you and your family,give to charity, pray for forgiveness,be forgiving,and love all of your fellow human beings,we are the same underneath the skin,may the allmighty Allah forgive us all for our sins, Ameen.
At April 16, 2010 8:17 AM,
moondive said…
I like your story. maybe it is going to happend. I also wrote something about it. Please read it.
At April 19, 2010 12:23 AM,
A Brother said…
Peace and Love to All! And pardon for my English.
Please realize the following and spread it as hard as you can, as I think it is for our truthful well being knowing this:
Human Beings are different than the rest of earthlings, not only because of our intellect, but also because of our attention/intention capabilities and mainly because of our emotions. Emotion is a type of energy with hate or Love being the extremes of the same (all the other emotions are derivatives). As in analogy, like electricity: you can't see it but it is real, and it can be used positively or negatively. One can use it to illuminate the darkness, or in opposite to fry someone to death. And like any other type of energy it can be harvested... Through sacred geometry, rituals and sacrifices mostly! And like in the movie "The Matrix", we are nothing more than batteries to this folks (we must forgive all of them to be truthfully in peace as Love is the unique CHOICE to reach Harmony).
The worlds elite/secret societies/Illuminati have always knew this. Thus all the stratagems to keep us in ignorance while they use the nature of our emotions/energy to feed their satanic and multidimensional masters: churches, monuments, stadiums, media, music, movies, sports, religions, books, drawing, paintings, statues, symbols/logos... you name it. Its all over! (The Illuminati think they are the masters because they think that they are in control, but they will regret when the beast of the beasts gets unleashed)
Now that we grasp how they use us and even if we know that only through Love and Empathy/Compassion we humans can achieve Harmony, we must be careful to where we channel this side of the energy. Remember that all aspects of our life are subverted. If we don't understand what we are Loving, it can always be used the same way fear/hate is used, the energy still is the same; of the same nature. In example: if I tell you to love the devil, preaching he is all good and you believe it, you'll end up feeding him the same way as you hated him.
We have such an occupied life with slavish work, futile entertainment and compulsory shopping that we forget to be critic... And that is by design, don't blame yourself.
At April 19, 2010 12:25 AM,
A Brother said…
The world is NOT going to end (at least in mankind lifetime) despite all the mainstream propaganda to make us all PRODUCE fear (get it?). If we give them what they want, their goal is going to be fulfilled for shore. We must unite not under hate or fear, but in love and empathy. All together. If we fall in hate/fear we will revolt, and consequently martial law will be invoked and they will party on our dead bodies. Be careful.
2012: my understanding tells me that is something very real, but it isn't necessary bad. IF WE REALLY WANT IT TO BE GOOD, WE MUST BELIEVE IN THAT AND WORK TOGETHER THAT WAY (like in "Ghost Busters", when people get together). Quantum Physics tells us today that OUR UNIVERSE must be a product of a Consciousness, an intelligent Force. And if we are really made at the image of that Force, OUR INTENTIONS WILL make the difference.
I've said "not necessary bad" but it is an hypothesis, a very strong one. The plot in a recent tv series "Flashforward", besides all the "mambo-jambo", mocks with us with the question: if we humans knew our very possible future (wich we know), will we do something to change it?
Search for Ley Lines. Ley Lines (channels of Earth own energy) are part of geomancy (study of landmarks) and where those lines crosses one-another are the strong points. Ground Zero is one of them and that's why he needed to be pulled down, besides the SACRIFICE part: to lift something else: it seems that the rulers need to control all the major strong points to... DESCEND THEIR "MESSIAH"... meaning that we may call this strong points... STARGATES. Ground Zero will be a stargate. 2012 will culminate with Sun Spot Activity following an 11 years cycle plus the proven galactic alignment. Everything is almost in place for them and we are helping without knowing it.
But again, beware as the Dark side never rests and is ALWAYS waiting for an opportunity. Beware with ANY type of RELIGION, even if that same religion doesn't call itself that way, like the (not so) new trend "new agie" allure, like "Mother Earth/Gaya goddess" in a U.N. style or the selfish "we are gods/do what thou wild" in an "Aleister Crowley" style... Two topics that are spreading fast on Internet meaning that we are sucking it hard in despair.
Its obvious that we must respect planet Earth as it is our mother-ship, and our body as it is our home, but please do not worship another god. We will get ride of an evil, do not bought another. Its the beginning of a new Era, lets start it right. The real God is all there is, for he do not need to be worshiped, just Loved.
And at last the UFO scenario. I am/was a supporter of the UFO Disclosure, being so curious since a young child amazed with the idea of galactic neighbors, but now I'm confused: so many begging for an UFO disclosure, and a few (Illuminati) using and abusing of the occult/magic? It just doesn't make sense...
Be in peace. Love is the only answer.
At April 19, 2010 12:45 AM,
A Brother said…
p.s - Some videos we really need to watch (before they take our Internet from us)
This are of the most importance. Be strong!
At April 28, 2010 9:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
please be informed that based on the testimony of Jesus Christ in the bible, nobody know when will be the end of the world. Even him alone dont know when will be his second coming into this world which is the end of the world.. Only God know when will be the end of the world..So better search for the truth in the bible and better search for the best way on how to serve God that your soul will be save during the judgement day..
At July 16, 2010 11:50 PM,
laikan said…
someone once told me that everything that is happening right now like the polar caps are melting and shifting and all the man mad mistakes we are doing are not just coincidence its all part of a plan although im not sure what plan but the future is planned out for us it is up to us to figure out ways to save ourselves try our best to slow everything down. because all we are doing is making the process move along faster which is not good!!!!!!! but im my opinon idk what will happen in the year 2012 but i think that if we all put aside our differences we could slow the process down and we could figure out how to save man kind if they really think the world is going to end! i dont think it is possible to even get close to figuring out when the woeld will end i think it is pretty much immpossible, then again im no scientist.
At July 16, 2010 11:55 PM,
laikan said…
ok u guys remember the whole thing when everyone thought the world waas going to end new years eve year 2000 this is just another scare and we will be ok and i think it will be a time when our world changes drastically but not to the point of human extinction.
At September 05, 2010 6:34 PM,
A Brother said…
The scare mongering hoax of the year 2000 only served one purpose: for the 3rd world countries upgrade their official computer systems... For what? Well, Internet has we know it is about to end! One world police state...
At October 06, 2010 8:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At November 19, 2010 3:10 PM,
twinkies69 said…
At November 19, 2010 3:14 PM,
blackguy22 said…
if you are black you need to get some kfc, we need to stockpile this crap if we want to survive 2012. bring some watermelons and grapes too
At November 19, 2010 3:17 PM,
hi99 said…
one time i got rape din the ass by a 17 inch without lube, i'm sure 2012 can't be worse than that
At November 22, 2010 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
well truthfully guys i would start to stalk up on food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At November 25, 2010 3:02 PM,
joe_M69 said…
joe said raping his dog gives him pleasures no woman can ever give him
At November 25, 2010 3:02 PM,
joe_M69 said…
joe said raping his dog gives him pleasures no woman can ever give him
At December 02, 2010 2:12 PM,
joe_M69 said…
Joe says crusty crater is the best that money can buy, he has his dog shackled to the wall in his cellar. He cuts himself whenever he is away from his dog because he misses him.
At February 03, 2011 3:21 PM,
adrian said…
i don't care about 2012, i just want to play zelda!!!!!!! ZELDA IS TEH GREATEST!!!! i'm 6th prestige in call of duty black ops add my psn Jmiller2224
At February 03, 2011 3:21 PM,
adrian said…
i don't care about 2012, i just want to play zelda!!!!!!! ZELDA IS TEH GREATEST!!!! i'm 6th prestige in call of duty black ops add my psn Jmiller2224
At February 17, 2011 9:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
wow people can beleive what they choose. If they beleive in god then they read the bible if they want to beleive in 2012 then let them. You can choose what you want to beleive in but others decide for themselves. Sure i think that some people are trying to make money out of this but still that is there own decision and if people CHOOSE to follow them then let them.
At March 06, 2011 11:15 AM,
XylitolFresh said…
This does feel a lot like the year 2000 scare lol
Mister Fuzzy Head
Keep it Fuzzy - Keep it Real
At March 11, 2011 6:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
At March 14, 2011 12:14 AM,
Unknown said…
but you you all beleive something will happen in 2012. How can the miyans, china, astec, and the prophercies get it wrong. I hope that all the comments on 2012 not happening is true, but I nust say it have me scared.
At March 15, 2011 4:24 AM,
Loca said…
The world will end in 2012 .. We will get buen go to hell what does It matter we all going to die some How right k them people stop been so dumb and get ir over with life is not for ever anyways if we all die or not It will happen soon or latter so go to sleep nd get It over with and go have fun as you can the en of the world is clones jijijijjjj. C ya losers
At March 15, 2011 4:25 AM,
Tii said…
Fuck all of ya suckers go suck a dick or fuck ur women have have fun as long as you can
At March 20, 2011 6:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think its so fuckin funny how people think the bible is the answer to everything. It was written by man you dumb ass's, also how can you have any clue on what is what with life and the Universe when you cant even speak correctly or use spell check. Your Validity to this post is garbage like your grammar.
At April 24, 2011 12:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
As it may or may not be apparent to most people, and the reality of all this is somewhat both equally true and yet other info is irrelevant or fictional non-sense. The best thing that I have discovered in regards to this is a couple of documentaries from David Wilcock, called "Event Horizon". This is a four part lectual show and each part roughly go for an hour or more; So make sure you have a few nice coldies sitting by you whilst you watch it. These documentaries can be found on YouTube.com using the keywords in the search of:
David Wilcock 2012 event horizon
I seriously believe that 2012: End of Days is simply, but a beginning of a new era in time. It will be a time for us all to embrace change and we will have to learn and deal with these changes as major changes, are usually unpleasant for most people. The alternative, is you simply do not cope and finally, die and get left behind.
Watching this documentation shows some pretty cool and amazing facts and what Mr Wilcock talks about will make you think of this in a more logical and natural way about the life of our planet.
Anyways, that is my twenty cents worth and hope some people find this information worth reading and watching.
Another Documentary from David Wilcock is called "Enigma"
and also can be found on youtube.
At April 29, 2011 2:00 PM,
James said…
This is all a joke...I'm going to laugh whenever you all wasted all of this time in your life on the Mayan calender ending...Congratulations, you all sounds very intelligent...
At April 29, 2011 2:29 PM,
JMILLER224 said…
my name is jeff and i am a fag, i was raped by adrian. he posted earlier on this forum. my parents dont love me. the end
At April 29, 2011 2:29 PM,
At June 01, 2011 2:31 PM,
The 2012 Pack said…
2012pack.com (on YouTube)
At August 14, 2011 4:36 AM,
muebles madrid en stok said…
It can't work as a matter of fact, that's exactly what I consider.
At September 24, 2011 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
No one knows when the world will end... Not even Jesus knows... Only Bod knows when the end of time will be. Who cares what happens in 2012. If you are saved then it really doesn't really matter what happens. "To live on earth is to praise God and to die on earth is to praise God in his presence in heaven... Jesus is Lord!!!
At November 03, 2011 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did the Mayans know when 9/11 was going to happen?? If they did good for them but If they didn't then how could they know when the end would come. Just because they stopped writing doesn't mean our lifes stop then too. I believe that if the end is near then Jesus and God will save us as long as our belief is there. Only God knows when our lifes will end and we have to respect that. But if you look at the facts humanity hasn't been on earth for a long time. So not even the Mayans could know that the dinosaurs were being wiped out. Keep these thoughts in your head. Also, the man who said the world would end a long te ago was wrong not once... But TWICE! so if the Mayans can't even back up why they stopped at December 21,2012 then I don't think there I'd much proof that it will end.
At November 10, 2011 1:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
You know some people dont believe in the bible and perhaps something will fucking happen to this corrupt ass narrowminded world.
At November 14, 2011 9:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Iz thank yuz guys r stupid!
No really....I've never seen so many fucking uneducated idiots on one place in my entire life!
How do you know what the bible says when you can't even read!
At November 25, 2011 8:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
world end for only 1 reason & its astroid impact..! but nasa lanches a new projact to distroy that stones in 2011...!
so look that for something refreshment...!
At December 15, 2011 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
At January 01, 2012 9:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
this is a geat theory by many of the people but it is not ture
At January 02, 2012 8:19 PM,
Brilliantaste said…
I saw an asteriod in the sky due south east a lil bit before christmas. It may hit next year. why didn't we blast it with some of these weapons of mass destruction that governments and terrorists carry?? Now it looks like no-one wins from all the termoil and wars bestieged upon.
At January 03, 2012 8:10 PM,
Sarah said…
Brill, there are meteor showers expected this week, peaking tonight the 3rd of January, 2012, so yes you will see some things, but blasting one? Now that is about the silliest thing i have heard, by the way let me clue you in on 4 other dates that you will see some things...we are slotted to witness 4 eclipses this year..2 lunar and 2 solar, May 20th, June 4th, November 13th, and November 28th, want to mass destruct them to...based upon the mentality you have thus displayed i would not doubt it. I do not write in these forums..however your comment struck a chord with me, it was rather blatant in its disregard to the topic at hand..but having seen these things you speak of firsthand it disturbed me to think of anyone thinking along the line of just blow it up!! Yeah, that's it blow it to kingdom come and then what ...well then we deal with the repercussions..i.e. fallout, debris, risks you obviously know nothing about, so, i implore you to stop and think..everything we as a race do has a consequence, and the issue we may be fixing fast..may well cause our true downfall. I realize you may have been joking, but i have heard echos of the same mentality, and felt compelled to address the issue. I am actually excited for this year, we (as a species) will have some changes and be honored to witness potential amazing events, we also have a chance to make some changes for the good. Cheers all, and keep an eye to your respective skies. :)
At January 04, 2012 2:58 AM,
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At January 16, 2012 6:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
In the bible god says that not even he knows when the world will end. And any time dated as the world coming to an end is certainly not it. He says the world will end when knowone not even him expects it. And its not stated as the end of the world. God says he will come down and everyone worthy to be in heaven will go to heaven in the blink of an eye. And those who will go to hell will go to hell and suffer the consiquences. If you read all the scriptures you would realize this is true, and if you beleive in the lord than you will have no worries as to when the world will end. God loves everyone of us and would never do anything to harm us or put us in danger. Like sending us inn a black whole or having us all die a painful way when the end comes. When god flooded the world he promised he wouldnt do it again ( meaning not putting everyone to such a tragiic death) So what scientist concure or most lkely not true unless there reading from what comes from the bible, and im pretty sure this doesnt. Thanks for your time.
At April 28, 2012 12:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Lo, I am with you, even to the end of the age, I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. Do not worry about tomorrow, it will take care of itself. If JESUS CHRIST is your LORD, the OWNER of your soul, then when you leave this earth, you will be with HIM immediately. He has prepared a place for those who served Him here on earth, He gave HIS word, sent HIS Spirit to live in you, and by HIS Spirit you will understand all things. The peace of God that transends all HUMAN understanding will guard your heart and you will have NO FEAR of the future.
At May 21, 2012 6:20 PM,
CoronaAdvances said…
nearly half way done in 2012
At June 04, 2012 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bible said 120 times the world will not end.the age of the church will! As we will be taken up and so the church also will be.
At September 27, 2012 3:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
This world will end eventually. That's a fact. As to when, that is unknown. No matter how many times people have tried to predict the time of the end of the world, they have all been wrong. The world COULD end in 2012 but no one knows for sure. All we can do is protect our world as much as possible to at least delay the end of the world because all we are doing so far is destroying it. And maybe genetic enhancements would come in handy. But lets not get crazy here. Lets just try the simple things before getting all scientificy and complicated. Recycle, conserve energy,things you've all heard of before but never really thought of, are great starting points :)
At November 24, 2012 8:45 PM,
Aurora said…
Well, November is nearly ending in 2012. No sign of any impending "end of days" yet.
No Nibiru. No world war 3. No "messiah" or "anti-christ" – more fairytales spouted by unholy men.
Carry on up the Apocalypse, people!
Dinosaurs ruled for 160 million years before a crashing meteor caused the extreme climate change that wiped them out.
This time climate change is caused by greedy, selfish and irresponsible MAN – destroying the environment at a horrendous rate – causing dust bowls, polluting oceans, devastating eco-systems and rainforests, tinkering with the weather... Something's got to give!!!
2012 dooms?
You mean the recent hurricane Sandy?
Post-Apocalypse New York will never be the same again!
Still bleating about 9/11?
What about all those IRA bombs you financed to kill Brits?
And those American invasions, supplying weapons to both sides of conflicts? – sheer greed for oil and minerals.
Remember Hiroshima and Nagasaki? And the mutated babies born after nuclear tests?
This planet will be around for another 5 million years before the Sun burns out.
By then we may have found another home in space, living on in another form, another place, another time.
Meanwhile, today, we need to stop GMO, chemtrails, biological and chemical warfare – they will kill us all before any doomsday prophecies!
Wake up, people!!!
These are the REAL threats to our lives on Earth!
Not something predicted by Mayans, Sumerians, Nostradamus, Da Vinci or fairytales in the Bible – written by many celibate monks, reflecting the calculating views of their elite few!
2012 will pass like 1999, 2000 or 6-6-6, and they'll cough up a new doomsday.
I'm a scientist and I believe in God – but not that vengeful killer-god of Bible, Koran or unholy fairytales.
God gave us all a brain to think with, find out things, ask awkward questions, rationalise and make free choices.
Only dumb, brainwashed nitwits believe in doomsday myths.
The popes once believed the world was FLAT. You still believe them?
Time to change, mateys! And change must start with all of us!
Be the change you wish to see!
End corruption, deceit and greed. Show compassion, respect and kindness. Bring Peace and Love!
At May 28, 2013 1:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Guess what guys? The world did NOT end!!!
At February 21, 2014 3:24 PM,
alvarisi said…
very very god
i like you
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