The Year 2012

The Year 2012  News, speculation, and prophecy about the year 2012 and related topics.

THE YEAR 2012 is a stream of information collected from various sources, mixed with explanation, commentary, and opinion. Much of this material is often ignored by the mass media for its "far out" and "conspiratorial" nature, but that does not mean that it is not important.

Strong 2012 sunspot cycle is forecast

BOULDER, CO, United States (UPI) -- Government scientists say the next sunspot cycle will be 30-percent to 50-percent stronger than the last one, and begin as much as a year late.


  • At May 21, 2007 6:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is b.s. People have been trying to predict when the world will come to an end since the beginning of time, and guess what? They were all wrong. Look how confident we were during Y2K. We thought the computers were going to crash, planes would fall out of the sky, mass killings, etc. The bible says that we do not know the time, date, nor are we allowed to know. It also states that the anti-christ will rule from Ancient Babalon (Bagdad) and rule the world from his One-World-Gov. for seven years. All im saying is that we dont have to worry about the world ending, unless the following happen. 1. Billions of people go, no more people. or 2. Hilary Clinton gets elected president. One more time, the world is not going to end. Yes there may be a major climate change or something in that order, but no explosion of the sun or anything that puts us in harm of EVERYONE dying. Thats President Bush's job.

  • At August 30, 2007 4:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well lets put it this way mankind has suvived 50,000 years i think we can surive a little chang... it may not be a "little chang" but im confident i can adapt and surive... how about you? obiusly not if u keep demorilseing every1

  • At September 10, 2007 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    if u expect 2012 to be true expect the worst. Either the planets will aline and a meteore will hit destroying the planet. A black hole is saposadly already sittin in our galaxy but its not big enough. or the world will fall out of orbit and crash into the sun. i think the planets poles are going to shift causing the weather to screw up. so eather way weve screwed up this planet enough its about time it ends.

  • At September 10, 2007 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    were all gonna fuckin die

  • At October 31, 2007 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If and when we all die in the year 2012, at least we all go together!

  • At October 31, 2007 11:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If and when we all die in the year 2012, at least we all go together!

  • At November 04, 2007 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Planet loses magnetosphere.
    Poles shift, rotation shifts.
    Sun bombards unprotected earth with radiation.
    Magnetosphere returns with new polar center points.
    Life as we know it? No more.
    Existence is forever.

  • At December 09, 2007 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    okay first of all it clearly states in the bible know man or and thing will know when god will come back. yea some weird things might happen in 2012, but i belive in god and i belive the bible not even the smartest sciencist knows when god is going to come back..therfor the mayans couldnt have known..believe in god is all i have to say

  • At January 07, 2008 5:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    woah! I couldn't care less 'bout how I die, 'bout what caused my death, etc...mainly because, I'm already dead!!! Maybe a solar flare will make me evaporate! LOL! As long as it's not demonic possession, I can't care less what kills me, or how I die. Demonic possession's too slow, and it sux! Anyways, yeah, dieing's not the scary part, it's how you die that's scary, and not knowing how ur gonna die that's scary. Death is temporary, but where u'll dwell in da afterlife is eternal (probably the #1 thing to be scared of) *if u believe in life after death*

  • At April 15, 2008 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The universe acts in its own best interest is the funademental truth. If you believe that truth then everything is all good and there are no worries, we are part of the universe, therefore, it is in OUR best interests no matter what happens everyday. It does not happen TO us, but it happens FOR us.

  • At July 13, 2008 3:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If Obama gets elected president, he will be a puppet. Congress and the Senate will not let him do anything that he wants to do unless they aprove. McCain is to dull to do anything except continue the war so dont worry. People who get worked up over stuff like this let it control their lives. If the world ends in 2012, who gives a fuck hopfully we all die fast.

  • At July 21, 2008 10:22 PM, Blogger J Adams said…

    It's all about the cycles...

  • At July 29, 2008 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i dont think we'll all die. sure it will be a solar maximum on that day and we will cross the center of the galxy but that dosent mean we'll all die. think about it, the universe is infinant! expanding as i type. so googles of things are happening! and it just so happens by couincidence that these events will happen, its not a sign its nature. really the only way we could die on that day is if we were hit by a gamma ray from the black hole in the center of the galxy or if the bayancy point (strongest part of a magnetic feild) were to mess with the suns wich jupiters and saturs do on that day also. were to cause a massive solar storm and zapping us. wich is what scientists belive ended the last ice age. but people were here back then, so if that happens we wont all die! AND ABOUT THE MAYANS: because all these events happen on that day they ended their calander because they thought that that ment doomsday. so dont trust em'. also the earth completes a wobble on its axis. :) a starange day!!

  • At September 17, 2008 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i read yesterday on a blog that the end of the world is scheduled ( lol ) for 2040 because we will lose oils,water, the alien will come to take our soul because they have not soul the soul is not common in all the creatures, they make rapture to gain energy from the implant on the humans, then they install their memory in a huge comp. to study the function of the human brain...
    we are alone in this war americans/light beings and aliens are all togheter to create next cospiration to submit the humans and not revail the truth, the truth is that the universe have to close and end and these creatures ( all ) are with the intention to make the universe itself to become god, and give direction to our souls and disturb our objectives for their snekish targets... ^^ hope u understood, wake up peoples

  • At September 29, 2008 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Scientists are conducting the LHC project that will cause great disruption and catastrophic changes on Earth. This has nothing to do with God and 2012 being a dooms day. This project is pure evil work. I mean seriously... what is the purpose of this project anyway? Don't we have enough knowledge from God passed onto us by our Prophets? Religious books talk about Atoms. Does this not tell you enough? Thousands of years before science, we knew about Atoms! Why do we need to listen to this B.S.?
    After all the science is based on speculation! It may have happened or it may have not or it may happen or it may not. Science is evil and bunch of crap! Science denies everything our religions are teaching us! Believe in God and pray for the human race to get back on the track. We as humans are on the wrong track and we got it all wrong. We failed to follow God's advice, we went astray, and now we are facing extinction because we followed evil. It may not be complete end of life on Earth and it may not be in 2012, but the time will come. I am not talking about the individual people I am talking about humans on Earth in general. We all sinned and yet continue to sin even though we are getting and already have a lot of signs from God that it is time to "wake" up and get back on track.

  • At January 17, 2009 6:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you can actually be bothered worrying about the end of the world and how much chaos iz on this earth.... .its inevitible YOUR ALL FUCKED IN THE HEAD............... STOP SMOKING METHAN PHITAMINE / ROCKS / CRACK / ICE / TRY SMOKING WEED / HEROIN / BULLDOGS A FIEND / HEZ GOING TO DIE / great.

  • At January 25, 2009 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I dont believe this has anything to do with Religion...and whoever does is fukkin brainwashed! Leave this to the scientist...if they believe it will happen, then i will believe it will happen. im not worried i have 3 more years to live happy and worry free...if this is a catastrophic event there isnt anything we can do to change it anyways! you have 2 choices...kiss your ass goodbye...or let human instincts kick in and fight for your fuckin life when the time comes....imma survivor and i choose option #2

  • At April 29, 2009 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    At September 10, 2007 8:25 AM, Anonymous said…

    were all gonna fuckin die


    Someone tried to fetch up a survival crew! LMAO!!!! MAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNN THIS IS TOO FUNNY!!!!

  • At July 29, 2009 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I predict that Obama will become President of the USA. Sarah Palin will resign shortly after. H1N1 will become a pandemic. Michael Jackson will be no more. Spooky

  • At September 08, 2009 1:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Check out the real 2012 movie direct from the source.
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  • At November 05, 2009 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i dont know wat will happen if it does wear sum sun cream. but it does say in da bible we wont know wen it comes it could end now or tomorrow all i say is live ya life to da full i aint sayin stop worshiping god still do that but at the same time have funand i wish the goverment will stop hiding stuff we always find out at da end toss pots anyway see ya

  • At November 10, 2009 1:56 AM, Blogger Grayson said…

    Nothing supernatural is going to happen on december 21 2012! BUT, something big is going to happen due to all of the media hype scaring people. Imagine the world on december 20th 2012 when hundreds of thousands of people thing that they are going to die the next day.... that is going to cause big problems. heres a full essay I wrote about the problem if your interested.

  • At November 30, 2009 2:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Worry more about how we just come to life as a sperm with all the talent that we have and how we were all born yesterday for the new babies and the new year do you think they know anything about life probably not we still don't even know what god we come from we ask the lord for a clue and do you really get one! no. Good Luck my brothers iam still having a hard time understanding how much i know since i was born yesterday and my school is no better then yours.

  • At December 09, 2009 9:52 PM, Anonymous lens alexis said…

    i cant say the world is not going to end in 2012 or the world is going to end in 2012. let me say one thing we ain't god, we cant see through the future. i mean americans are great with technology and shit but they cant see through the future so stop saying we all going to die in 2012.

  • At January 04, 2010 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I will say that i don't believe all the hype about December 21, 2012, but the scientific facts about that day are pretty amazing! We have been around for along time as a human race, i think we will be around for a little longer, hopefully!

  • At January 24, 2010 2:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What will happen in the year 2012?

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  • At June 12, 2010 12:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    world will end in 21 December2012

  • At August 19, 2010 10:23 AM, Anonymous Johnny328 said…

    Quite frankly, I would listen to what Michio Kaku, a noted astro physicist has to say about the solar flares and what a proton storm of any magnatude could do to our power grid and electronics systems. You can see his interviews
    on youtube all the time.

    Food for thought.

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    this event was forescast since time ago, of course for the Mayan, just think in a huge EMP over the planet, destroying all technology, yeah after this only the strong can survive.

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    Don't believe in it. All the major religious figures before leaving this world announced: “I shall return.” Now there are more than 2,500 years, 2,000 years, 1,400 years have passed (depend on who you worship), they are still suspiciously absent. Could not get the entry visas???

  • At February 17, 2012 2:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    In 2012 the Sun's north and south poles will flip for the first time in 740,000 years, long over due. As it started the changed in 1974, NASA has been mortoring(see their site). As the Sun "flips" it will throw out a magnetic field that will effect planets, stars far outside out galaxey. Also in 12-21-2012 the planets will alien, all governed by the Sun's magnetic fields. It would be fair to assume taking into consideration our major weather pattern changes, we will experience a planet change. Be it just weather or a change in our poles, which is also occuring slowly ie:Greenland was the North Pole, something caused a 15 degree change in the earths axes hundreds of thousands of years ago, at that time, if we were there, an Ice Age occered. More activity is expected in the titanic plates, causing earthquakes, volcanoes, the elimination of land and forming of new. The earth won't end, just be differant. As for me and mine, we're preparing for major weather shifts. We aren't talking man made machines as in the 2000 scare, but a real Star and planetary event. I'd give a quarter for the government to tell all instead of just saving their own asses. Think.

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